Because you now did it to yourself.
You dumb, dumb motherfuckers.
Regards, the rest of the world.
They’d be upset if they could read.
Most of us can, and are also stunned by the dunbass other half of the population
Sure but a lot didn’t care. Less voters this time Trump votes stayed steady so. Lots of people who voted Biden where ok with Trump getting in.
*Slightly less than half
mostof us can, and are stunned by the dumbass other half of the population FTFYRoughly 1/3 of the voting age population.
About 1/3rd of the voting age population do not vote.
We’re outnumbered 2:1
clearly it’s more than half…
It’s not though. Voting is not mandatory and voter turnout in the US hovers only around 35-40% of the eligible population, on the high side.
The non-voters are also dumb.
Hey, that’ll get them to vote!
A little late now.
If a random comment on Lemmy would get a non-voter to vote or not vote then they’re pretty weak willed. Not voting should be a conscious decision.
Maybe we should vote to round them up
Nope, 1/3 of the population never votes. That’s around 100 million people. And neither party has close to 50% of the US population, so it doesn’t come down to a little more than half no matter who wins.
And the people that don’t vote don’t matter cause they don’t care either way.
Or they do care but don’t see enough of a difference between parties to matter which is in power
You could be smart enough to say “fuck you” to the mainstream Dem candidates early in the campaign.
The dumbass other half fears “the establishment” to the degree of going to dotards, coachfuckers and antivaxxers. Removing “the establishment” from your side could make them fear those more.
So the part about dumb, dumb motherfuckers can be arguably addressed to almost all of you, my cowboy friends.
Especially those saying that “the perfect is the enemy of the good” and people should vote for Harris instead of someone like Bernie or someone like Larry Lessig or who not.
Congratulations your disingenuous bullshit helped destroy America
I’m not an American voter.
My bullshit before the election usually involved saying that you still have to vote for Harris.
I’d say the media bullshit about the support of candidates, that communicated the wrong picture to Americans deciding whether to vote, has contributed much more than anything I ever wrote.
No reason to panic. It’s just 4 more years, and then another election. Usually when someone promises you massacres and other bad things, you believe them, but not in this case - you’ve elected people who’ve never followed up on their promises.
I live in Russia, so you had it coming for the older disingenuous bullshit about Russia being “just an imperfect democracy” and Putin being better than some imagined unholy alliance of communists and neo-Nazis.
American here. Fuuuuc… Not what most of us wanted here on the West Coast.
I almost wish we could just be our own country. Washington, Oregon, and California are already very much aligned with one another.
Have you considered… secession? 😉
We fought hard and carried the team as best we could. We probably won’t be eating as much curb as some states, but fucking frustrating as hell that some Americans can’t get their shit together for 12 goddamn minutes. It’s like half the country forgot how bad 2020 was, not to mention the insane shit that went down day in and day out for years.
I hope, HOPE that we have the privilege of voting in four years, and that by some miracle, the president, Senate and house and SC (all projected to be Republican) somehow forget to fuck with our election system.
Yeah, wtf is in the water out east?
Oh right, the lead
The southeast. The northeast did just fine.
This map shows a whole lot of fucking up.
Hi, this sentiment from non-americans pisses me off and it’s okay, but I feel it’s important to explain why so I’m copying another comment I made today.
Goodness knows some of us are trying our best. I mean keep in mind our country is a democracy in name but systemically props up white supremacists in excess of the real popular opinion. And a media disinformation machine keeps the working class divided against itself, with open support from the wealthiest and owners of the most popular social media platforms. Social media platforms that, let’s be honest, are super recent inventions we are not yet capable of engaging with safely. It makes it an uphill battle to try to reach out to people whose necks aren’t on the line. And the responsibility to do so falls upon the disenfranchised themselves, who are increasingly saddled with economic and health burdens that might just kill us someday.
I get the potshots at Americans, but frankly I don’t plan on taking the blame if this goes tits up - many of us did a hell of a lot more than vote to resist fascism. Nothing happened here that isn’t happening elsewhere. And I’ll fight the notion that citizens at large are the problem. It’s a cynical outlook that serves to individualize the responsibility for a systematic disaster. Our country was built to make this possible after all. And I sure as hell know I don’t plan on giving up. Kind of morbidly curious about how much of an incompetent clusterfuck Project 2025’s implementation will be.
Victory or no, fascists are paper tigers and I plan on sticking around to remind them of that fact however I can.
Democrats handed this election to Trump, hold them accountable
Victory or no, fascists are paper tigers and I plan on sticking around to remind them of that fact however I can.
See, this is the issue.
It used to be this way. That until they’re actually in power (and I mean have removed the democractic process that could remove them from power again, too), fascists pose big but there’s no bite behind the bark.
But Jan 6 and Trump’s general antics being excused by his cronies in the SC have clearly shown that this is changing. People are emboldened by the fascist rise in all western countries, on top of the generally aggressive atmosphere worldwide as the older generations, unable to face their own misgivings and the shit they caused to pile up, would rather vote for fascism and “blaming Them™️” than accept that maybe it’s high time we accept some really rough times to turn the ship around.
Fully knowing that none of them will live long enough to actually suffer the outcome of their actions.Even my dad started voting AfD. His reason being “It’s time something changes!”. He’s just unhappy with the status quo, even if you fully tell him that he, personally, is among those suffering under the AfD and they’re open about wanting to make things worse for him. It’s impossible to reason with these people, as them wanting to be reasoned with would mean they’d have to accept that between climate change and the secondary monumental tasks of trying to handle that which are all inherently global super-issues, too, their generation only had it good in their days because they were living on credit.
But does he truly care? No of course not. He’s old. He can be contrarian and vote “against the establishment”, and that this fucks everything up more or less permanently isn’t a problem for him since he’ll be long dead by the time the issues that could have been prevented truly come into force. Much as we’re already seeing some issues such as curtailed bodily autonomy for women, increase in violent climes, and of course climate disasters.Things have changed. People fully do shit now simply because their age and general position in society shields them from the outcome, and they just want to be “against”. And they can openly flaunt this, so crime etc is on the rise. Big time.
Fascists are paper tigers… bold statement. Especially if those paper tigers have access to the biggest military budget on the planet and are backed by an out-of-control police force.
There are always fighters like you which can’t be blamed. Nevertheless, most of the American voters are frankly deranged. As a Mexican who has been in the rural areas of the USA, it really fits.
As if the rest of the world wasn’t on the same slippery slope…
Things are looking glum all over.
Nah, don’t ‘what about…’ this.
Yeah but Americans not being ~56% the dumb fuckwits they seemingly are would have sent a good positive signal to the rest.
Now the opposite happens and the fascists everywhere will feel strongly encouraged, on top of strong US-support for autocratic Russia and big support for completely depopulating Gaza (after all, Trump is a big fan of Neta “finishing the job” in his own words).
True, but I love how the first we blame for this outcome are the American people.
I blame Kamala Harris and her botching her campaign. She had amazing momentum at the start, then slowly threw it all away, instead politicking to small businesses and Republicans instead of workers and their own base: Democrats.
You both bear 100% of the blame each.
They voted for a con man, a fascist, a criminal, someone who tried to steal the last election. Kamala could be a bowl of day old warm potato salad and voting for him would still be one of the dumbest things imaginable.
Doesn’t matter.
Self-interest matters. What politicians will do for voters matters. That day old potato salad may be better than Trump, but it’s not at all inspiring.
If Democrats really took fascism as a threat, they would have activated Tim Walz and his views and pushed as fast and as hard as they could with the time they had to make the most progressive campaign since Obama’s.
But they went after the base who would have voted for a fascist anyways.
This is Democrats’ own doing. Sorry.
When fully capable adults do stupid things, like voting for an man with as many very serious faults as Trump, I blame them for doing it. That Democrats were ineffective at convincing people (or inspiring them) not to do something stupid doesn’t make the thing any less stupid to do. Inspiration is not required to avoid being idiot.
“Historians have a word for Germans who joined the Nazi party, not because they hated Jews, but out of a hope for restored patriotism, or a sense of economic anxiety, or a hope to preserve their religious values, or dislike of their opponents, or raw political opportunism, or convenience, or ignorance, or greed.
That word is “Nazi.” Nobody cares about their motives any more.
They joined what they joined. They lent their support and their moral approval. And, in so doing, they bound themselves to everything that came after. Who cares any more what particular knot they used in the binding?”
History furnishes us with innumerable instances that prove this law. It shows, with a startling clarity, that whenever Aryans have mingled their blood with that of an inferior race the result has been the downfall of the people who were the standard-bearers of a higher culture. In North America, where the population is prevalently Teutonic, and where those elements intermingled with the inferior race only to a very small degree, we have a quality of mankind and a civilization which are different from those of Central and South America. In these latter countries the immigrants–who mainly belonged to the Latin races–mated with the aborigines, sometimes to a very large extent indeed. In this case we have a clear and decisive example of the effect produced by the mixture of races. But in North America the Teutonic element, which has kept its racial stock pure and did not mix it with any other racial stock, has come to dominate the American Continent and will remain master of it as long as that element does not fall a victim to the habit of adulterating its blood. - Main Kampf
The confederate states and their Jim Crow policies inspired Hitler. and black GIs came home from liberating Europe to be lynched for being “uppity”.
Is “Main Kampf” the Frankfurt version of “Mein Kampf”?
Well the entire multiplatform astroturfing campaign from people who call themselves leftists worked! Democrats stayed home instead of voting.
Now Palestine will be completely flattened with 0 resistance at all, and redoubled support and bombs for Israel! Way to go! You really showed your support for Palestine by helping this happen!
They will probably come back saying “it wasn’t our fault, we just pointed out the truth” while they shouted that a vote for Harris was a vote for genocide [so don’t vote for harris] from every platform that they used.
Trump also promised to talk with Russia about solving the Ukraine problem, wanna bet that Russia just keeps going west? :D
Well the entire multiplatform astroturfing campaign from people who call themselves leftists worked! Democrats stayed home instead of voting.
Yup. I spent the last month or so tagging them, and I have not seen a single one today.
Look around. Technocrit is already trying to ragebait, TheOubliette was gloating in another thread, and a bunch of other .ml shitheads are showing up to this thread now. Fucking disgusting, deplorable individuals.
Yeah, I guess I spoke too soon. I’ll probably just start blocking them. Something that I normally do not do. But I will make an exception for these clowns.
Most of the leftists I know voted for Kamala.
And I love how Democrats’ first move after losing is to blame said leftists. We were the only ones calling out the bad moves of Kamala’s campaign from the beginning and warning what might happen if she didn’t adopt a Walz ticket (or mostly a Walz ticket).
Democrats did this to themselves. It’s the reason why they kept supporting a corpse of a candidate with Joe Biden for so long until the first presidential debate, and it’s also the reason why Hillary was picked over Bernie in 2016 at the DNC.
Leftists weren’t the issue. Democrats’ own willingness to ignore what was happening right in front of them was the issue.
We were the only ones calling out the bad moves of Kamala’s campaign from the beginning
What would have happened if you hadn’t done that? What would have happened if the average dumbass center left capitalis liberal had heard nothing but praise for Kamala from the left?
She would have won. You had a choice. But you decided to tell the truth even when it cost trans people their lives.
Would you have told the truth to the Gestapo asking if there are Jews in your basement?
So fucking predictable.
Remember when Biden stepped down? Do you remember how unpopular he was and the massive wave of hope and support for Kamala that showed itself? Well, what the fuck did you think was gonna happen when Kamala glued herself to Biden, and tried to appeal to center right voters? They refuse to make compromises with the left, try to appeal to the center-right, and then blame the left for not voting for them; classic center/lib playbook, the same thing happens in Portugal, same thing happened in 2016 USA elections.
I thought that Democrats would win DESPITE the absolute dog shit campaign, given everything about Trump, but it was still an absolute dog shit campaign by people who claimed this was the most important election of people’s lives, but then dug their hills in ideologically and refused to compromise with people on their left.
If the situation wasn’t so dire, it would be hilarious to see the double think by Dem voters in this thread:
“How can Rep voters not hold Trump accountable despite everything he’s done!”
“It’s not the Dems fault that they lost, despite trying to appeal to the center-right instead of the left; it’s never their fault! It’s the leftists fault for not voting Dem! Kamala did nothing wrong!”
How about the left instead make compromises with reality instead?
Fuck that noise, drama baby leftists who can’t think past tomorrow cost us this election.
Well, what the fuck did you think was gonna happen when Kamala glued herself to Biden, and tried to appeal to center right voters? They refuse to make compromises with the left, try to appeal to the center-right, and then blame the left for not voting for them; classic center/lib playbook, the same thing happens in Portugal, same thing happened in 2016 USA elections.
The thing is, I strongly agree with you AND the person you replied to because although I’ve been agape at watching Kamala sprint away from the left from essentially the moment her candidacy was announced, and I think Democrat leadership is FAR too in the pocket of corporate interests, and far too welcoming of Republicans, she’s still so very obviously a better choice than Trump that I’m having a hard time wrapping my head around this. I’d have thought that women alone would have pushed Kamala over the top due to the whole Roe v. Wade thing.
In summary - all my grumpiness at the DNC and Kamala for ignoring the left again was still miles short of what would have propelled me to vote for Trump or enable a Trump win.
Same, the difference is i knew that distinction wouldnt bring people out. If you, I’m assuming, a committed voter were reluctant about voting for harris despite everything. What does that mean for people who are fairly indifferent to voting? 😞😭😞😭😞😭
Oh I wasn’t reluctant, there was never any doubt. I just wasn’t happy. But the thing is - the things I was unhappy about don’t matter to the folks who don’t really follow politics. Whatever their reasons were, they weren’t my reasons.
In summary - all my grumpiness at the DNC and Kamala for ignoring the left again was still miles short of what would have propelled me to vote for Trump or enable a Trump win.
Yeah, as I said, even I though Kamala would win despite everything because Trump is… well, Trump, and I honestly did not think anywhere near this many people would vote for him again. If yesterday someone had told me he was going to win the popular vote, I would not have come anywhere close to believing them. It’s extremely depressing to see how many people still choose to vote for Trump and back him after everything he has done and said he was gonna do.
I find it very odd you thought that. The people who voted for him are primarily the people who voted for him in 2020. no? similar level of votes. the indifferent souls didn’t turn out this time because democrats did democrat things.
Ask yourself what do you think is going to happen next election? Answer: The Dems are going to go hard center. If the left doesn’t show up after Biden did green energy, IRA, student debt relief, non-compete clauses being banned via FTC, etc, AND to prevent a literal Hitler quoting fascist getting in, then the left either will literally never show up, or doesn’t exist. The left is done. No one is going to run a left platform for fucking decades. Because the left never shows up, or doesn’t exist.
Everything you said has nothing to do with the left, they are basic as shit things that event center and center-right European parties would do. I mean, what does the sentence “did green energy” even mean to you? The US is one of the largest polluters per capita in the world, installing a few solar panels means jack shit. Starting to heavily invest in public transportation, putting forth serious proposals to reduce the use of plastic, etc. would just be a start.
Meanwhile, they were also running on an anti-migration platform, just not as bad as Trump - remember how Democrats were so proud of the fact Trump shot down a Dem proposal that would reduce immigration?
Also, remember when Obama was elected on an anti-war policy in 2008? He even won a Nobel Peace Prize! And remember how Trump was elected in 2016 on a “pull back troops from the Middle East policy”, standing opposite to “Hillary the Hawk”?
Meanwhile, while most of the world condemns Israels actions, and millions of people in the US protest the US involvement in the ongoing genocide, both candidates are in favor of supporting and giving weapons to Israel.
If your argument is “but Biden was so far left”, then you’re a perfect representation of what is wrong with the Dem party and the US in general.
Edit: I almost forgot this beautiful (\s) fucking cherry on top: Dick fucking Cheney endorsed the Dems. And you seriously wanna make the argument they couldn’t have gone more left?
You think that green energy isn’t left? Debt relief isn’t left? What planet are you on? Do I have to say left [of center]? Jeez.
Yes it’s a start. What do you expect? The entire power grid and entire vehicle fleet to be redone in 2 years? Things take time. And what happens now that the start is undone and we have to start from scratch in, hopefully, another 4 years. This conversation is shaping up to the old classic of you saying “but they didn’t do everything, everywhere, all at once”.
Also, remember when Obama was elected on an anti-war policy in 2008? He even won a Nobel Peace Prize! And remember how Trump was elected in 2016 on a “pull back troops from the Middle East policy”, standing opposite to “Hillary the Hawk”?
Jeez this is some select history. Obama won on “hope”. Trump won because he appealed to the middle class and Hillary did not.
This election shows that Gaza didn’t matter one iota. Ukraine didn’t matter one bit. They didn’t even register, no one cared. Even your own human rights didn’t matter. It came down to inflation, housing, and further on the right xenophobia. Clinton was right “It’s the economy, stupid”.
If your argument is “but Biden was so far left”,
Ah strawman. Well that bad faith means that this will be my last reply. No point in discussing when you make shit up.
I did not say “so far left”. Do a ctrl+f and you won’t find those words. I said: “If the left doesn’t show up after Biden did green energy, IRA, student debt relief, non-compete clauses being banned via FDA, etc”. If the left can’t show up to support things like that, you’re not going to get anything further left. Not gonna happen. Not how it works. You walk before you run, you test the waters before you take the plunge, and now that we saw it doesn’t get you votes (midterms or next election), guess what fucking direction the Dems are going to sprint to? Yeah the Dems are going to sprint to the center. Because the left never shows up, or doesn’t exist.
Dick fucking Cheney endorsed the Dems.
Orrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr maybe it was because even Dick fucking Cheney saw that Trump is a fascist. It wasn’t based on policy, it was Trump’s fascism. I’m having a hard time deciding if you’re just horribly off base or bad faith. Either way, ciao.
You think that green energy isn’t left? Debt relief isn’t left? What planet are you on? Do I have to say left [of center]? Jeez.
No, it’s not left. I’ve already explained to you why. If I then drive a monster truck everywhere and eat steak for every meal, but then I install a solar panel in my house, does that make me an environmentalist?
This election shows that Gaza didn’t matter one iota. Ukraine didn’t matter one bit. They didn’t even register, no one cared. Even your own human rights didn’t matter. It came down to inflation, housing, and further on the right xenophobia. Clinton was right “It’s the economy, stupid”.
Jesus, I really do honestly try not to be rude, but the amount of stupidity in one paragraph mixed with the arrogance is off the damn charts. Firstly, Hillary, the person you’re quoting, lost the fucking election; secondly, neither candidate in this election was against selling weapons to Israel, both of them together had less than 50% of American citizens voting for them, and one of them - the one that has the largest overlap with pro-Palestine voters - lost the popular vote to the Republicans, which hadn’t happened to Democrats since 2004, and your conclusion is “Gaza didn’t matter and here’s another Dem loser’s take on it!”. Careful that you don’t get hemorrhoids with how hard you’re shitting these takes out.
I did not say “so far left”. Do a ctrl+f and you won’t find those words. I said: “If the left doesn’t show up after Biden did green energy, IRA, student debt relief, non-compete clauses being banned via FDA, etc”.
Yeah, which implies those are very leftist measures and policies. Would you say “if the leftists don’t show up to support racial segregation (…)” - no you fucking wouldn’t, cuz it’s obviously not a fucking leftist measure, is it? And neither are those, they are measures even most centrists agree with.
guess what fucking direction the Dems are going to sprint to? Yeah the Dems are going to sprint to the center. Because the left never shows up, or doesn’t exist.
They’ll sprint to the center because that’s historically what they always do, in this and other elections, and in other countries as well - refuse to compromise with the left, appeal to center and center right, and then blame the left when they lose. This isn’t news for me and plenty of other people budy, we predicted this might happen and what the reaction would be - the only thing I didn’t predict is that so many people would still support Trump - but plenty of people literally saw the writing on the wall about the support for Kamala and called attention to it, but the democrats don’t want to accept reality, just as they didn’t accept it in 2016.
the amount of stupidity in one paragraph mixed with the arrogance is off the damn charts. Firstly, Hillary, the person you’re quoting, lost the fucking election;
I know I said I’m out but this is too good. It was BILL Clinton that said that. The irony LMAO. Ok peace.
Fair enough, nice gotcha, it still doesn’t change anything that I said.
Also, I forgot to add it to the other comment, and then I was just going to leave it out, but now I’m here again, so:
Yes it’s a start. What do you expect? The entire power grid and entire vehicle fleet to be redone in 2 years? Things take time
Fuck your “things take time”, especially in a country that is both one of the richest and most polluting countries per capita in the world. A bunch of the world is becoming uninhabitable, storms become more frequent, some places are having a harder and harder time growing food, panama had to relocate people who lived on an island due to rising sea levels, and things are going to get exponentially worse, but “things take time guys, we can’t rush it!”
Let me ask you this: are you vegan, avoid using plastic as much as possible, use public transport/walk/bike whenever possible, try to minimize your consumption as much as possible, try to buy locally, and overall do you just try to ethically consume? Or are you one of those “it’s the government and corporations who have to do something”? Because you certainly can’t be the second and then, when talking about one of the richest and most polluting countries in the world, say we need to take things slow.
This shit exactly. They literally gave us nothing to vote for. All they really had was abortion, but that’s fuckin it? No other decent policy. And now I wonder if they see this outcome do they think they weren’t right wing enough? Stupid.
You’re trapped in a burning building.
A firefighter hacks the door down and reaches their hand out to pull you free and carry you outside.
And you ask “What’s in it for me?”
I truly don’t think you people grasp how meaningless all this text your wasting is.
This happened because people are stupid. That’s it. That’s the long and short of it. They have no, absolutely no concept whatsoever of how bad things are about to get. There’s no world where the citizenship understands what fascism is where Kamala needed to do anything different than she did.
At this point, I truly don’t think it matters. None of this shit matters. The problem is the people.
Harris and Biden put billions of dollars into a renewable energy fund, and Harris was promising a 20 grand subsidy for first home buyers. It’s not nothing. Y’all just chose not to listen.
They think being “right” is more important than the horrifying shit that is to come. It really seems like these so-called “progressives” do not grasp what actual fascism and autocracy looks like. They think this is a good thing because it’ll make the Democratic party rethink their priorities or something, when in reality, we will be lucky if there is a Democratic party or even a real election in 2 or 4 years.
This shit is over, there will be no progressive party now.
Dear I think my neighbour is keeping a Jew in their basement
Then don’t tell everyone, dumbass
How DARE you? As a staunch leftist, I will always tell the truth! I will NEVER put the consequences of my actions over the NECESSITY of telling truth to power.
Nah Trump won the popular vote too. This has nothing to do with voters staying at home. Trump won on the economy. I went to the gas station before voting yesterday and a redbull was $4 and a small bag of chips $3. I knew at that point there is a good chance that Trump would win.
It has, as voter turnout could be significantly better. It’s not yet clear what it is, but so far it doesn’t look very good.
What in saying is that it probably doesn’t have much to do with Gaza. People voted on the economy.
Mmm now explain to me how you were going to get harris to shift on inflation, a position she already signalled she’d fire the most effective agent we have for it. (Khan).
When you wouldnt even be budged on mass murder? God do i dread the conversations about how to fight inflation effectively due to corporate greed. That is a hard and incredibly nuanced conversation with no clear answer. Gaza is easy in comparison.
You’d just blame us for undermining harris over inflation instead of gaza. The topic doesn’t matter.
You jnow the most effective way to get people to vote? Give. Them. What. They. Want.
For Michigan it was gaza, for Pennsylvania it was inflation. Sadly your too politically unaware and rather just blame others for not seeing reason than challenging your candidate for their shit platform.
Honest question: Why blame the voters? Why not blame Harris for refusing to do the obviously correct, ethical even moral thing regarding Gaza?
The democrats are so impossibly spineless that they wait for polls and focus groups for their talking points instead of standing up for their principles (if they really exist).
Dems spent the entire campaign trying to compromise with and convince right wingers acting in bad faith instead of just working towards progressive policies. They once and again let the GOP set the tone for every conversation.
The Dem’s attitude towards the genocide in Gaza is just a piece of evidence that shows their way of thinking: the dog race and politicking is more important that doing the right thing.
So stop blaming the voters and take a deep look into your own values and principles because the nation being obliterated right now in the middle east and the people who stand for them even at great cost to themselves are definitely not to blame.
Why blame the voters?
Cause they voted. Or didn’t. Ultimately the choice is with them and a large majority of people decided that they’ll vote for rapist, racist, authoritarian fuckwit or sit the fuck home because it doesn’t matter who is running the government.
You can talk strategies and blame Democratic party till cows come home but at the end of the day, the people have to choose the least bad option.
And if they weren’t willing to choose the least bad option, I think that says more about the least bad option than it does about the worst option.
So, her failing to be more popular than fascism is the fault of the voting base… Makes sense.
Tell me again how you fail to clear that bar, and how that’s the voters fault?
So, her failing to be more popular than fascism is the fault of the voting base…
Treating politics as reality show entertainment is fault of the voting base, yes.
Democracy requires informed voters and Americans have shown to be anything but that.
So, her failing to be more popular than fascism is the fault of the voting base… Makes sense.
Yes. The voters preferring fascism over liberalism is the voters’ fault. If the voters weren’t fascists and fascist apologists, Kamala would have won.
Today 71 million fascists, 66 million leftists, and 107 million fascism-apologists decided on the POTUS.
In Nazi Germany, the Jewish survivors had a word for people who didn’t vote against Hitler: Nazis.
Drag, calling a “Nazi” like this isn’t justified and isn’t the level of civility we expect in this community. Absent other factors like bigotry and disinformation, I try to maintain uncivil comments so there’s an understandable continuity in the comments and so people aren’t afraid to fully express themselves on the sorts of controversial issues discussed. It’s more than understandable to be angry at anyone who enabled this impending disaster to happen. What’s not is that Blitzo (the ‘O’ is silent) thoroughly debunked every misconception Drag had about them, and then Drag never apologized, especially after realizing they’re likely going through a similar level of trauma over the election that Drag is.
First of all, Drag, I voted for Harris, and actually voted Democrat down ballot. So from this trans veterans lips to your ear canals: Drag can go fuck Dragself for calling me a Nazi for having the audacity to criticize the party I’m forced to vote for that doesn’t represent any of my interests.
And that right fucking there is why Democrats lose, and Democrats are to blame: they can’t do anything but give us a candidate to vote against, and not one to vote for.
How many voters do you think they would have pulled running on an actual, progressive platform instead of the status quo bullshit we’re all clearly tired of? Medicare4All, free tuition, free school meals, actually funding social welfare programs, actually enshrining LGBTQ+ and bodily autonomy rights into law, expanding the supreme court to actually reflect the country’s wishes, abolishing the filibuster so progress can potentially start again in the Senate, stopping weapons shipments for the Palestinian genocide (or ffs, even taking a stance on the genocide)?
The Democrats lost, and fascism won, because the Democrats refuse to listen to their base. Dem voters stayed home because their party leadership failed to inspire them, and I’m sick of the people asking for policies that will actually benefit them instead of some billionaire oligarchs (where’s the blame pointed at the millions they funneled into the elections) being blamed for everything. This isn’t even considering the four years Biden had to show the American people any progress, any discernible improvement in their economic lives, and failed to do so.
Just like in 2016: the DNC forced a candidate onto the party they didn’t want, refused to listen to any vocal portions of the party while condescendingly telling them that party leaders know best and they need to fall in line, campaigned on uninspiring centrist policies and a return to the status quo, keep preaching about working across the aisle while being slandered and shit on, and then assume the race is in the bag because the other candidate is a fascist reality star.
And just like in 2016, they lost, and they have no one to blame but themselves.
Why not blame Harris for refusing to do the obviously correct, ethical even moral thing regarding Gaza?
Because I never saw Trump getting the exact same criticism. Not even when he told Netanyahu, “finish the job.”
Somehow Harris was always worse on Gaza to certain people.
The difference between them is you are never getting the votes that don’t give a shit about Palestine back from Trump. His voters don’t care. Democratic voters do. When both candidates have the exact same position (and “genocide harder or lighter” isn’t a difference in position, it’s still genocide) then the issue only causes people to not vote, or look at other policies. And then you add in alienating more democrats by going further right and copying their policies. The people who like them will still vote for the republican. The people liking democratic policies will cringe and step aside.
Yes. I understand people have stupid, short-sighted reasons to invite in fascism.
They literally voted for it. You can’t say don’t blame the people who chose it. Blame both.
This had nothing to do with Gaza. This election shows Gaza doesn’t matter one iota. Ukraine didn’t matter one bit. Not even your own human rights mattered. This was inflation, housing, and (further on the right) xenophobia. Clinton was right, “it’s the economy stupid” (even though Dems are better for the economy).
The simple answer is you blame people for the things they do. Kind of fucking basic.
Yeah harris should have ran a better campaign with less genocide and more pro labor policies.
What actions have you taken to save lives in Gaza?
If you didn’t vote for Harris, the answer is absolutely fucking nothing of consequence.
Honest question: Why blame the voters? Why not blame Harris for refusing to do the obviously correct, ethical even moral thing regarding Gaza?
Because it’s only one issue out of many that need to be addressed (I didn’t say fixed because IMHO the IDF are doing pretty good work eradicating Hamas, all things considered).
You guys need to take care of your housing, healthcare, gerrymandering, public transport, student loans, separation of religion and government and a truckload of other things that I don’t think Trump has any interest in improving. And you can bet your bottom dollar that Trump won’t be any “better” in regards to the situation in Gaza and the rest of the middle east.
So the voters that didn’t vote Harris purely because of the Gaza issue are to blame for their short sightedness.
Okay so blame the arabs in Wisconsin. Got it. Now do Pennsylvania. Why did they go trump. Tell me more mr oracle.
What the fuck are you talking about? I answered a pretty specific question which had nothing go do with Arabs in Wisconsin…
I was putting a mirror in front of your face about what you just did. which was blame victims an act as if it was the moral thing.
Blame victims? American citizens who didn’t vote Harris are victims?
I was referring to our arab brothers and sisters. But if you want to open it up to the middle class democrats have repeatedly failed to support id be happy to give you that. They to are victims.
This post is a really good example of how the disinformation campaign actually worked on people and created this believe. Fascinating. And terrifying.
Or maybe, like they normally do, the Democrats failed to rally their base to vote, or didn’t give them enough incentive to get out and vote.
Biden had 4 years to make meaningful progress for the American people, and whether or not he did is irrelevant because Americans don’t feel better off than 4 years ago. Democrats spent the last year screaming about the economy doing amazing, while ignoring all of the polls showing Americans don’t feel that way.
Democrats spent the last year sending weapons shipment after weapons shipment to Israel to bomb Palestinian children, despite polls showing the majority of Americans wanted contingencies on the shipments. And the Democrats instead lectured their constituents about how what they’re seeing and hearing isn’t actually what it is, and it’ll be worse with the other guy!
Democrats spent the last 4 years doing nothing but try to return to the same status quo that isn’t working for the average American anymore. Biden’s hubris took the decision out of the people’s hands, and we were given a candidate we didn’t choose and told to shut up and like it because “fAsCiSm.”
Well, congratulations Democrat Party, we fell to fascism because that’s obviously a better alternative than actually putting forward progressive policies. And whether you like to hear it or not, the Republican voter supporting this fascist movement is doing so because they want change in this country too.
Only difference being, the Republicans are actually “progressing” their party along like their constituents want. Maybe the Democrats should try listening to their constituents for once and, idk, see if that maybe works in their favor for once?
No, the base let themselves very much get rallied.
They had a candidate that said “I’m not going to stop the genocide in Gaza” and one that went “I am fully pro-genocide in Gaza, and I want to burn it all down”. And they all rallied behind the second one. This does tell me, as someone not from the US, one thing: A lot of voters in the US really dislike people from Gaza and want them to die. Fuck you people. Yes, I blame you voters. Fuck you.
No, the Democrats let their base get rallied by the Republicans, I don’t blame the voters at all.
And you’re acting like people voted for Trump instead of Kamala, when it seems more like a lot of people who would have voted Kamala stayed home. And that’s thanks to the Democrats running a centrist platform that didn’t inspire anyone, Biden being a centrist Status-Quo democrat for four years, ignoring the Palestinian Protest Votes during the primaries, refusing to let any Palestinians speak at the DNC but allowing numerous Republicans to, while their best piece of policy to the average American was, “Hey, we’re not Trump.”
I voted Harris, btw, but not because I liked her particularly much, and I think that’s a big part of it. Democrats don’t listen to their constituents, so their constituents stay home due to apathy. That’s on the DNC, not the voters.
And you’re acting like people voted for Trump instead of Kamala, when it seems more like a lot of people who would have voted Kamala stayed home
That’s the exact same thing in a first-past-the-post voting system, sorry. I mean granted, if you wanted to support Trump anyways, you saved yourself the walk. Congrats. But that’s the only difference, you supported Trump either way.
And that’s thanks to the Democrats running a centrist platform that didn’t inspire anyone, Biden being a centrist Status-Quo democrat for four years, ignoring the Palestinian Protest Votes during the primaries, refusing to let any Palestinians speak at the DNC but allowing numerous Republicans to, while their best piece of policy to the average American was, “Hey, we’re not Trump.”
And again it comes down to a singular issue? Again, that’s why I blame the voters: If people so readily toss their intellect aside and become single-issue voters, feeding directly into this us-vs-them polemic that is so prevalent in the far right and the US in general, then they really ought to at least not blame anybody but themselves. It’s easy to ignore a lot of good news if you hyperfocus on a single bad thing and just put your fingers into your ears.
More so if you actually vote to make that single issue you care about worse. But hey, I’m not an american, apparently the majority wants to Genocide Turbo Edition in Gaza.
Democrats don’t listen to their constituents, so their constituents stay home due to apathy. That’s on the DNC, not the voters.
And again, this makes no sense. Hence me blaming voters for their own failings. It’s like with the Brexit, although there at least there was the added thing that nobody expected the vote could ever come out as yes, so most just did not bother to go vote, felt unnecessary. Here, they very much knew that if they don’t go to vote they’re effectively voting for the orange potato fascist. And they still did it. So they’re trump voters now. Stamped and classified. And I blame trump voters.
I’ll go a step further: You are a voter ought to actively not want elections to be about marketing. Rather, you should be tracking whether the past electorate has actually improved things.So, under Biden:
- Single families have more money than before.
- Cost of living has gone down (despite the high inflation, which came out of Trump’s administration after all, who had a huge bump to cost of living right at the tail end of his administration and yes, we’re still not back to where we were before but c’mon, it got stricly bad under Trump and massively better again under Biden, what magical miracle did people expect after the potato ruined things so much?!)
- Violent crime, in particular homicides, are far down.
- Green spending is up by a ton. Still less than ideal, but damn did they fund a lot of new green tech, and it shows. Wasn’t it something like 96% of new energy installed last year was green?
- Social inequality decreased. (yeah I know this is surprising, which just goes to show how little we care about actual data and what sheep we all are)
- Health care went up significantly (after it went down again under Trump)
I mean, how many positive news do people really need? At what point is it okay if I blame the idiotic voters who actively choose to ignore it and listen to the right-wing media feeding them rage bait?
Hey friend, guess what didn’t win you the election? Your voting strategy under fptp voting.
It only works if people like you. We don’t like you. Cheers. You brought this onto yourself just like the DNC.
i like how depending on what day it is if i am voting harris i support genocide but if i dont support harris i also support genocide.
What belief, may I ask?
Look, you can check my older comments to understand where I’m coming from. I’m open to listening and perhaps we both can learn something from all of this.
The belief that everyone decrying Harris’ stance on Gaza was knowingly or unknowingly participating in enabling a worse stance on Gaza than the still-not-great one we would have gotten with her.
Look back now with hindsight and tell me what would be better for Palestinians in Gaza. What we’re getting with trump in charge? Or what we might have gotten if every single person who said negative things about Harris’ stance had instead focused solely on how Trump’s stance was objectively worse per his own words.
By not putting the focus on the absolutely 100% guaranteed WORSE stance of the two, people enabled talking points that led, in part, to where we are now.
THAT is why so many of us screaming about harm reduction and the lesser of two evils is SO pissed off about single-issue Gaza voters not putting in for Harris.
Stop letting perfect be the enemy of good. It leads to this.
Elections are about holding your nose and making the best of a bunch of imperfect choices.
Trying to make it anything else from the top down is folly. You have to start from the bottom up. Until that happens, we will never see our way out of a two party system.
You’re still blind you’ve learned nothing. Enjoy your fascism. Its not your fault people didnt vote for harris. Its their fault for not understanding how the system works. 😂 You’re hopeless. Harris lost not because of the genocide, its just an example, she lost because she didn’t give voters a reason to show up for her.
Arabs? Israel has a right to murder your family. Young people? Sit down im speaking. Labors? Heres 50k for you to start a business. Wat? I need to afford eggs. Abortion? Oh wait thats protected already is most of the states in play.
It’s like you literally cannot read. Just leave.
Yup and? When will you learn people need support and not shame if you want them to chill in your backyard? Please go self reflect and that what people who are informing you here to your favored party.
Apparently people who sat out didnt get your memo that they then supported trump by not showing up. Funny how that happens.
Look back now with hindsight and tell me what would be better for Palestinians in Gaza. What we’re getting with trump in charge? Or what we might have gotten if every single person who said negative things about Harris’ stance had instead focused solely on how Trump’s stance was objectively worse per his own words.
Can you try to put that into words? Like, give me concrete examples of how Trump is worse for Gaza.
A weapon doesn’t kill or hurt less people just because the dealer who sold/gave it away said, “Genocide is bad, okay?”
Those bombs are gonna kill and hurt people no matter if it’s the Dems or the Reps sending them to Israel. There are lots of reasons why Trump is worse, but if you’re a Palestinian it really doesn’t make a difference if the weapon that kills you came from a racist man or a woman who condemns genocide.
So many downvotes, so many disagreeing comments, but not a single fucking person has managed to give one concrete example that explains why weapons coming from Trump is so much worse than weapons coming from Kamala, for Palestinians.
Palestinian nº1: Watchout, a bomb!
Palestinian nº2: Don’t worry, the person who send it said that genocide is bad!
Palestinian nº1: Oh, thank God! And thank you, for putting my mind at ease. For a moment I though that bomb had come from a racist, but I’m glad to hear American democracy has been saved by the democratic party! Now I can be blown to pieces with a smile on my face 🙂
Edit 2:
Here’s an article detailing the destruction in Gaza in December 2023, 11 months ago. I feel like some of you need reminding of the current reality, when you can’t even come up with concrete hypotheticals.
Can you try to put that into words? Like, give me concrete examples of how Trump is worse for Gaza.
Because there’s no effing way Netanyahu would have posted anything like this in response to a Kamala win.
“Congratulations on history’s greatest comeback! Your historic return to the White House offers a new beginning for America and a powerful recommitment to the great alliance between Israel and America. This is a huge victory! In true friendship,” Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu posted on social media platform X.
ThAts NoT cOncReTe
This asshole is nothing but a fucking piece of shit sealion
I asked for something concrete that Trump would do that is worse for Palestine. You still haven’t explained how a bomb from the Republicans hurts more than a bomb from the Democrats.
Again, there’s lots of reasons Trump is worse than Kamala, but weapons will kill people no matter who uses them.
Can you try to put that into words? Like, give me concrete examples of how Trump is worse for Gaza.
My friend, he wasn’t become president yet. Come back in 6 months when Gaza is nothing but a steaming pile of debris and revisit this conversation.
Come back in 6 months when Gaza is nothing but a steaming pile of debris and revisit this conversation.
That was 11 months ago.
He literally said they should “finish the job” but we all know you’re lying and know he said that. I’m thankful for the user tagging feature in boost. I never have to give you benefit of doubt again, wasting my time reading the words of a liar.
I said to give me something concrete, you have given me nothing concrete. Israel is not that far from “finishing the job” by themselves.
But what else is to be expected, all you people can say is “you’re a liar/troll”. Keep burying your head in the sand then.
Because you fall into the same “but what about?!”-thing modern far right excels at.
You myopically focus on a single issue, trying desperately to use it as a crowbar to dislodge an otherwise sensible point, ignoring that everything is inherently a compromise, in particular in a 2-party system. Hence any voter who is not as easily blinded - and it’s not like Harris wasn’t very open during speeches about how much the right deals in fearmongering and disinformation, going as far as openly mocking people for made-up bullshit stats they’re yelling - would be able to inform themselves and realize that:
- Even if they’d like their candidate of choice to act differently about a specific issue in a specific country on the other side of the globe, there are a million other also-important issues that are strictly going to work out better under this candidate.
- The candidate that now won has in fact very openly declared that he wants said genocide to accelerate and wants the IDF to “finish the job”.
So, even if we were to just focus on this particular issue, the voters very much vote pro-genocide when they vote for Trump. I love how he’s technically correct though when he says he wants to end the war in Gaza, people are just too stupid to realize how he means it.
But more importantly, and the central point I’m making, you’re under the belief that reaction to a single issue should matter. Any voter who lets this argument slide has inherently lost themselves to the populist and fascist movements as they excel at exploiting this, and in fact stoke this belief whenever they can. Politics on a large scale cannot be judged based on single issues. Because if you try to, you exactly fall into this trap. You automatically end up being barraged by appeals to emotion, constantly, and you’ll let those decide things for you.
Hence, blaming the voters. For not actually engaging with the democratic process, just with hate- and fearmongering and then wondering why that that ended up controlling them when they sought it out themselves.
What exactly is wrong with what they said? At the end of the day, democrats support the genocide too. You can’t say “republicans will do it harder hurr durr” and expect people to vote for the one that still is for genocide, but is a little bit shy about it. The end result is the same - the Palestinian state will never exist and the people will be killed. There is no difference if it happens over a year or over three. So that issue is brushed aside, or is the cause of not voting at all.
Then you have the absolutely idiotic move to the right. Saying “the border wall is a good idea” as a democrat? Come the F on.
Yes, now you mentioned two issues.
Want me to add a few more, and you give your takes on those?
Let’s start with a few easy ones:
- Bodily autonomy of women.
- Gerrymandering
- Climate change
- Land grabbing
- Corporate tax evasion
You make the exact same mistake, too. You let people direct you towards a singular, specific, feels-driven point instead of trying to give an informed vote. Any large-scale politics is always going to be a hybrid vote. You won’t have any even city-wide, nevermind state-wide candidate of any party (over here, I know it’s only two for you folks :P ) where you agree with all of their stances.
But if you let someone train you to ignore the vast majority of stances in favor of just 1-2, I hopefully don’t need to explain to you how you have effectively turned yourself into a voting-drone. You can be trivially led by anger and feeling, not by rational thought and informed vote. And especially on large-scale politics, the problem is not with immediate feels, in particular if people start putting those in power that want ot actively dismantle their own checks and balances. Because then even if they later decide differently, they cannot remove them any more. It’s now too late for that.It says a lot that everybody commenting is so hyperfocused on Gaza. This is exactly what the right wing wanted. And I blame voters for so readily - and greedily - walking into this “trap” (for lack of a better word, not my primary language).
“feels driven point” as if I don’t have coworkers and friends in Gaza who are living through the hell that Israel, and by extension the US put them through. That’s why “she’s not Trump” isn’t a good strategy. Fuck “other stances” - I care about them right now. Saying I should stop and “deal with it” is like walking up to a grieving family and telling them they should “deal with it” that their child is dead. You call it “a trap” you call it “stupid” when in reality it is an important issue to some people, just not you. So keep going on about how people are idiots, when it is 100% on the candidate to say “we need to stop what’s happening there”. And when the polls came back and it turns out “oh hey that gets us votes, lemme say that!” she immediately flipped 180, two days before the election.
People like you like to quote the “First they came…” poem like the first line isn’t “First they came for the Palestinians”.
No, I just feel it’s ridiculous to try make an issue out of Gaza while you’re actively electing a fascist at home.
You know, if my neighbor is gasping for air, I sure would like to help them. Turns out, there’s a good reason they tell you on planes to first put your own air mask on, because otherwise you’re unconscious and can’t help anyways.
Which is what’ll happen now. Because apparently in a choice between 1-worse-99-better and 100-worse-0-better, the latter felt more natural to the majority.
Again, the reason I blame voters is because they let themselves get controlled into caring about such a singular issue, to the point where they have now fucked themselves over because they forgot to look at their own country even for just a second. Which is even more annoying because unlike last time, they had a lot of preparatory time in which to see just how exactly electing Trump will fuck them all up.
That’s he’s also going to make Gaza worse is a given, he has explictly said so. But that’s not what I blame the voters for. I blame them for putting him in power by letting themselves get controlled to only see a single issue.
Well you better hug those coworkers in preparation for what’s coming under Trump.
You are saying that as if I didn’t have to sit in stunned silence for an entire day already, when one of them lost an entire extended family (uncles and their family) who literally lived nextdoor to them. The bombing took out the wall in their bedroom and hurt their 3 months old child.
If you ever think “I’m an empathetic person”, think about this post, how you used tribal politics to basically say “that thing that happened earlier to them already? It will happen to them again, and it would still happen if ‘my candidate’ won the election”.
Because like it or not stopping aid for Israel would have pushed all Israel supporters to Trump. Sadly apparently most Palestine supporters are stupid enough to not see that is 1000x worse for them
Palestine supporters are stupid enough to not see that is 1000x worse for them
I don’t think this is a constructive way of looking at the situation. After all, being quiet about Netanyahu’s abuses wasn’t a winning strategy either. Besides, being scared of Israeli lobbying automatically makes you a bad leader.
Regular people don’t live reading obscure threads on Lemmy so I’m 100% sure that the effects of the comments posted by tankies here are negligible.
My point is that you can’t lose against the worst human being twice and keep blaming the electorate. If they want to lead, the dems have to stand for something instead of complaining about turnout or in general blaming anyone else but themselves. It was THEIR job to get out the vote.
Trump is a monumental POS but the dems prefer to cater to the people who voted for him instead of the people who want legitimate pro-working-class policies.
My point is that you can’t lose against the worst human being twice and keep blaming the electorate.
If the electorate votes for the worst human being twice they definitely deserve a freaking hulking heap of blame.
You can blame dems for a lot but to decide not to vote for them because of Gaza is the dumbest possible take
Who is likely to lose? Oh right harris.
Yo! Wisconsin whats up today? How your friends and family in the middle east doing?
Hey Harris have any of that worker love? Protection of american jobs? No? 🥴.
Yo Pennsylvania whats up?
But yes its the voters who are wrong… Who was it that said ‘only winning matters’? Oh right pelosi… Smart. Evil. Lady.
Yes, Democracy lost. Whats your point?
That you’ve still learned nothing from this experience. The thing we were telling you for the last month.
Harris’ needed to give people a reason to vote for her. In Wisconsin that was stopping the genocide. In Pennsylvania thats fucking reducing the cost of living, inproving wages, etc.
If we’re lucky enough to get out of this with our country in tact next time stfu up about lesser evil and demand your candidate have policies that benefit people.
In short dont be like ‘sit down im speaking’ harris, the lesser evil. And instead be more like ‘yes sir stand up trll me what you need!’
Yes, the voters are wrong? You think you’re making some amazing point, but really you just look stupid.
Oh prole, divest yourself from politics its not healthy for you. You lack the ability to reason cause and effect. Someone in this thread has the correct take on the democratic party and their loss and its not you. Find the post about the democrats not being self reflective and how gaza is just a proxy for the root problem with democrats. They’re obsession with data, and focus groups. Its not the voters who are wrong when you dont inspire them to show up.
Why? Does she automatically get all the votes just because she exists? You get votes by doing what your electorate wants you to do. She didn’t do that and this is the result.
Because she is no fascist. If you have the choice between a fascist and a non fascist and you dont vote you support the fascist. In this case it is even dumber because one side tells Israel to calm it down but sadly still send weapons while the other says Israel is correct, did everything to worsen the relationships between israel and palestine even more and has a fucking settlement named after them.
And this reasoning is why harris lost.
You’ll probably be permabanned from the instance for saying this but obvious pro trump trolls will get a comment deleted once a day so it all balances out /s
Their instance is, I think they’re gucci.
Are you kidding? Watching it happen in real time, it makes less sense than it ever did.
I lived in the shithole parts of the country, it made perfect sense.
Many ‘Americans’ would eat shit if they knew the smell would piss people off.
Fuck, this his hard. As a father of a gay child, and a trans child, our immediate plans are passports.
Land of the free :(
“Free” is used in the same way like the “Democratic” in “Democratic People’s Republic of North Korea”
You forgot the big fat fucking asterisk.
asterisk = straight, white, hetero male of upper-middle class or grater
As you know, we’re in a similar boat. Thankfully, we can get to Britain and stay (in theory) but the prospect of telling my elderly mother and my wife’s family goodbye for the last time, finding the money, finding new jobs with my health issues, just downsizing so that we can move…
But we are doing it.
I hope you and your family find safety and my best wishes to all of you.
I am so fucking sorry you are in this shit and I wish you and your children good luck going forward. Sadly it seems like you will need it.
Jeez that’s sad to read. I wish you all good luck on the voyage to a less a hostile country
that wont get you anywhere.
It will though, the US passport offers a ton of visa-free destinations. Although it’s not immigration,it definitely helps
It’ll get you out of the nation.
only for a few weeks.
Get out before January if you can
*Visa. Passport won’t be enough to travel to the EU and select other countries in 2025.
EITAS isn’t a visa, and you can do it without travel plans and it lasts 3 years, tied to your passport.
Imagine being Latino in a red state.
They’ve already done it to gay and trans people. Last time the Muslim ban was foiled by the courts. Now that the Republicans control the presidency, the SC, the house and Senate, little stands in their way. Project 2025’s Schedule F will see to that.
Some states did an amazing self-own tonight, and unfortunately both teams are going to endure some severe beatings. I feel absolutely sick right now. Poor us. Poor Ukraine. Poor middle east. Taiwan is so fucking boned.
Broooo what kills me is how many Latino men voted for this!! I saw a statistic that was like 59%
Women: he told you he’s taking your rights away and is already letting you die in hospital waiting rooms
Tradesman: he told you overtime and unions are gone
Veterans: he told you he hates you, pissed all over the sanctity of Arlington and is gutting the VA
Hispanics: he told you you and yours are getting deported and doesn’t care if you’re legal or not
Those on social security, Medicare, Medicaid or ACA: he told you he’s cutting/gutting these
Anyone with ties to Palestine: he told you he’s going to help Israel finish the job
None of that is going to happen to me cause I’m one of the good ones. /s
Re: Hispanic people
The people that voted for him are legal citizens that have been here for generations. Same old American immigrant story that has been here since the nation’s founding - people closing the door behind them.
Germany had legal jewish citizens before Hitler came to power. Some even voted for him. Strong leader and all that…
I want trump voters to get everything they voted for. Everything. All of it.
and the rest of us will be collateral damage.
Yep, sure will. But this site and Reddit and FB and everywhere else insisted that Nazis have equal free speech rights and that we should respect religious beliefs and I can go fuck myself for telling everyone to arm up and ready to defend themselves so I dont know what else to tell you.
At the end they will think, the leftists did them lol
Jokes on you, most of the harm will come to them second hand (cost of living, wages, lack of supports) and will be blamed on (insert literally anything here).
And for a lot of the Trump supporters (I think the view called them uneducated or poor) Life will not really change, It will just continue to suck but with “their” guy in charge.
No joke on me. I want them to reap every single bit of what they sowed. I especially want parents to have to serve dinner to their daughter’s rapist every Sunday. When a rape gets reported or goes to trial I want the sheriff and the judge to look the father in the eye and ask “well why didnt she just keep her legs closed?” I want education utterly dismantled so that only those who can buy education and every parent will be stuck with their kids and unable to work. I want FEMA utterly destroyed so there is nobody to call when a disaster strikes, and I want those disaster sudden and unexpected as well. I want the entire population to become plumbers, electricians and carpenters so that nobody will ever have to call one and they can sit around and wonder why their phone doesnt ring… No more art or science or culture to distract the middle class from their work assignments I want the US health care system- which is so amazing that foreigners travel here regularly to take advantage of it- to continue serving foreigners who are rich enough to fly here and cut in line ahead of all US citizens, who won’tbe able to afford it anyway. I want OSHA and the labor board dismantled, and unions made illegal and union organizing into a criminal offense. I want the ACA immediately repealed and all beneficiaries cut off. There’s plenty more that I am not gonna bother listing, but I want the complete and utter destruction of US civilization and I want it done with the full approval of 51% of the country.
The one silver lining is that Trump voters are about to face reality in a way would never otherwise have to deal with. I really wish that took the edge off, but it really doesn’t. The impacts of this election will be horrific to everyone, even those who will profit in the short term from the graft and corruption.
They’ll still blame it on literally everyone else.
Even when their daughter has an ectopic pregnancy and they can’t find help.
😳 Are you out of your mind? Where in the world did you hear these things from? Lord, i mean if ANY of that were true; id be right there with ya. But those are the most left-field claims Ive ever heard and are not based on reality.
Boy are you in for a shock when you hear about Project 2025. This stuff is straight out of their playbook, with more to come.
He’s outright said or done all of these things.
I’m sure others can back up the other claims, but you said “ANY.”
Those are all real. Which one are you having a hard time finding, I’m sure people can point you in the direction.
Put on top of that, if anyone changes their minds down the road, he told us he would use the military against his political opponents.
Is it because woman? Like holy shit, Biden was an old fuck and still won last time. Hillary didn’t win. Wtf, is it really because woman!?
I know they’re not done counting everything yet, but as it currently stands…
2020 Biden - 81.3m
2024 Harris - 66.2mI’m disgusted with our country.
I was looking at those numbers too. And if you compare Trump’s 24 numbers to 2020, he lost about 4M votes this time. So it’s not like the 20M from Biden voted for Trump this time, they just didn’t vote.
20 million people are going to be the reason for the death of Democracy.
20 million PLUS all the Trump voters.
You must not focus solely on non-voters.
- The people voting for Trump are much more directly responsible.
- You will need those non-voters in the future, completely alienating them now will not help the cause.
The non-voters had nothing to do with this. They literally did not participate.
Any real democracy would count the non-voters as part of the results. 20M not voting? OK then, any policies that affect everyone can no longer be enacted. No new laws. No new wars. Government can then maintain plumbing and provide public services, that’s it.
Why isn’t that the case? Why is it not a requirement for people to vote for government to have power?
Democracy…? Sure. Whatever hope you need to feel, friend, see you in the streets I hope.
Why isn’t that the case?
There is no law in the US mandating that people vote. I can only speculate as to how that started, and why that’s still the case.
The argument I’m making is not that the cops should pick you up if you don’t vote…
The argument I’m making is that politicians should not have full power if people don’t vote.
I’ve said for years that voter apathy would be the death of this country.
I hate that I was right.
It’s not the voter’s fault. Candidates should earn votes not expect them. The Dems chose a shit candidate and lost as a result. They’ll learn nothing from this and probably move further right.
It abso-fucking-lutely is the voters fault as well as the party’s. They knew the options and chose the worst possible one. Get the fuck out of here with that whitewashing bullshit. Even when you have a shit choice, you’re still making the choice, and it’s on you too.
They’ll learn nothing from this
That goes for the voters just as much. Next time we’re staring down a fascist and a shitty dem, we’ll pick the fascist because the Dems has to have a spotless record or we’ll piss away any progress we have in a temper tantrum.
I fucking hate my fellow Americans.
It is the candidate’s job to entice voters. Kamala and the dnc failed. There should be a purge of leadership but they’ll probably just do it all again in 2028. The lesser-Evil argument has never been a good one. Vote shaming has never been a successful tactic either but please feel free to continue lol
Whatever helps you sleep at night with the choices you made friend.
I’m not here to shame anyone. You knew what was at stake when you pulled the lever, I hope you’re happy with the outcome. I’m just not going to let people abdicate the responsibility they’re trying to shirk for the choices they made.
But you’ll be happy to note that I won’t be interacting with you again, because I’ve got no time for cowards who shift blame for consequences of decisions they’ve made.
Partly. The DNC forcing Harris to adopt conservative talking points / abandon the Tim Walz progressive policies was also a massive blow to her base. You can’t spend 8 years comparing Republicans to Nazis and then promise to put them on your cabinet and to continue their racist border policy. The DNC forced Harris to listen to donors over voters and this is the end result
Vote blue no matter who against Bush and Cheney and 20 years later use their endorsement.
Democrats will soon carry the banner of a Barron Trump endorsement.
Fuck them.
Americans reading this: don’t wait 4 years for another chance to elect the slightly better option. This is the time for organising and direct action. Join community and labour organizations, prepare for a general strike, sabotage the conservative agenda. You cannot be idle any longer.
If Trump lives long enough, I don’t think we’re getting another chance. He’s said pretty explicitly that he intends this to be a dictatorship. We’re fucked.
You can blame religion for trump. A rapist con man who never goes to church is their new jesus. What a fucking cult.
So, place your bets! What’s going to be that one announcement that suddenly makes your neighbours go all quiet?
- Repeal of the 19th amendment
- Mandatory military service
- Military sent to Ukraine
- Military sent to Gaza
- Additional protections to police
- The pardon of all January 6th rioters
- The relaxation of maximum presidential terms
- Repeal of Affordable Care Act
- Repeal of Social Security
- Increase in taxes of lowest and middle incomes
- Reduction in the minimum wage
- Shutdown of major news outlets of “reporting lies”
- Ban of reporting “bad news”
- New ability to farmers to hire for no wage
- New protections to reject hiring/customers/schooling based on colour
- Collapse of NOAA
- Atheists targeted as terrorists
- Democrats imprisoned for Socialist ties
- Mysterious disappearances of democrats
- Random deportation of American citizens for being first/second generation
- Removal of all laws related to carbon output
Yes, some of these are fearmongering but he’s made all sorts of promises and debts are due! The sky is the limit!
If you think any or all of these is going to finally get a Trump supporter to lose faith, then you failed to learn the lesson that 2016 should’ve taught you, and yesterday should’ve reminded you of - they will never lose faith. He could tell them to literally kill their own kids and they’d just say “Oh, like what God told Abraham! I’ll get right on it, my Lord!”
Doesn’t matter if they lose faith or not.
As each of these things comes to pass, as I ride this flaming dirigible into the hard earth rushing up at us, at the very least I’m going to spend that time telling the magas in my life that this is their fucking fault at every available opportunity.
And a third of Americans still won’t go vote against him.
Remember, our only duty now is to NEVER LET THEM LIVE THIS DOWN.
If any Nazi I know suddenly feels remorse I will straight up tell them to shut the fuck up and that i never want to hear remorse from them.
I’m going full no-contact on the conservative side of my family indefinitely.
Yeah I would say active shunning is an understandable way to go about this. We tried educating people to not guzzle the kool-aid, they clearly personally desired to do it anyways.
The deportation is gonna come first. Military aid is America’s bread an butter. Shutting down of news outlets will be “official acts”. Democrats imprisoned will be an “official act”
That’ll be the first year
And between now and January, Biden will never decide to make imprisoning Trump and his people an “official act” so the snowball has started rolling.
That’s a good season ender for this shit show
Spot on!
Listen to any random Trump speech, replace “migrants” with “jews” and you have a Hitler speech.
He’s already dehumanising foreigners (claiming they’re all criminals and eating peoples pets) and trying to claim LGBTI are criminals
So, it’s not actually a joke. He has already started following the Nazi playbook
Pretty standard Dictator Handbook stuff.
Manufacture external enemies.
Manufacture internal enemies.
Take all the money.
Blame everyone else for the problems the country faces, choose populist, stupid, ineffective or detrimental solutions, repeat.
Choose violence.
The man got on a stage and did a speech parroting Mussolini. This election was wild.
Jesus Christ, I just realized Jimmy Carted lived to see his country die.
Four more years for Carter so he can vote them out again?
Funny you think there’s going to be a party to vote for.
They already claimed to go scorched earth and do political purity tests for the federal government. I would not put it past them to label the Democratic party as a terrorist organization.
Well, I for one will question it, because I don’t understand what I’m seeing. How the flying fuck is this happening?
The apathy of the masses.
Calling this apathy is letting Nazis off easy. This isn’t apathy, this is a massive chunk of the US population willingly acting on this. Today is truly a tragedy.