Because you now did it to yourself.

  • cassie 🐺
    4 months ago

    Hi, this sentiment from non-americans pisses me off and it’s okay, but I feel it’s important to explain why so I’m copying another comment I made today.

    Goodness knows some of us are trying our best. I mean keep in mind our country is a democracy in name but systemically props up white supremacists in excess of the real popular opinion. And a media disinformation machine keeps the working class divided against itself, with open support from the wealthiest and owners of the most popular social media platforms. Social media platforms that, let’s be honest, are super recent inventions we are not yet capable of engaging with safely. It makes it an uphill battle to try to reach out to people whose necks aren’t on the line. And the responsibility to do so falls upon the disenfranchised themselves, who are increasingly saddled with economic and health burdens that might just kill us someday.

    I get the potshots at Americans, but frankly I don’t plan on taking the blame if this goes tits up - many of us did a hell of a lot more than vote to resist fascism. Nothing happened here that isn’t happening elsewhere. And I’ll fight the notion that citizens at large are the problem. It’s a cynical outlook that serves to individualize the responsibility for a systematic disaster. Our country was built to make this possible after all. And I sure as hell know I don’t plan on giving up. Kind of morbidly curious about how much of an incompetent clusterfuck Project 2025’s implementation will be.

    Victory or no, fascists are paper tigers and I plan on sticking around to remind them of that fact however I can.

      4 months ago

      Fascists are paper tigers… bold statement. Especially if those paper tigers have access to the biggest military budget on the planet and are backed by an out-of-control police force.

    • Carighan
      4 months ago

      Victory or no, fascists are paper tigers and I plan on sticking around to remind them of that fact however I can.

      See, this is the issue.

      It used to be this way. That until they’re actually in power (and I mean have removed the democractic process that could remove them from power again, too), fascists pose big but there’s no bite behind the bark.

      But Jan 6 and Trump’s general antics being excused by his cronies in the SC have clearly shown that this is changing. People are emboldened by the fascist rise in all western countries, on top of the generally aggressive atmosphere worldwide as the older generations, unable to face their own misgivings and the shit they caused to pile up, would rather vote for fascism and “blaming Them™️” than accept that maybe it’s high time we accept some really rough times to turn the ship around.
      Fully knowing that none of them will live long enough to actually suffer the outcome of their actions.

      Even my dad started voting AfD. His reason being “It’s time something changes!”. He’s just unhappy with the status quo, even if you fully tell him that he, personally, is among those suffering under the AfD and they’re open about wanting to make things worse for him. It’s impossible to reason with these people, as them wanting to be reasoned with would mean they’d have to accept that between climate change and the secondary monumental tasks of trying to handle that which are all inherently global super-issues, too, their generation only had it good in their days because they were living on credit.
      But does he truly care? No of course not. He’s old. He can be contrarian and vote “against the establishment”, and that this fucks everything up more or less permanently isn’t a problem for him since he’ll be long dead by the time the issues that could have been prevented truly come into force. Much as we’re already seeing some issues such as curtailed bodily autonomy for women, increase in violent climes, and of course climate disasters.

      Things have changed. People fully do shit now simply because their age and general position in society shields them from the outcome, and they just want to be “against”. And they can openly flaunt this, so crime etc is on the rise. Big time.

      4 months ago

      There are always fighters like you which can’t be blamed. Nevertheless, most of the American voters are frankly deranged. As a Mexican who has been in the rural areas of the USA, it really fits.