Are there no laptops with magsafe and 3.5mm?
Freedom to Ukraine
Are there no laptops with magsafe and 3.5mm?
What point? That there are laptops with fewer universal ports? That the universal ports improved throughout time and includes more function that it did before, which means we require fewer ports in total?
What is the point without dumb rage-bating Linux nerds?
WTF is this boomer facebook post shit?
Ok, redditor.
This isn’t Reddit.
sheepishly retract myself from this conversation.
You could’ve done this without announcing it and the additional word soup.
“Designers boss engineers”.
That’s what happens when people who know nothing about the industry post their word soup as fact.
“Discard changes” is usually equivalent to “cancel” or “quit without saving”. Not shift+delete files lol.
“up in arms”:
– “just don’t use them, some people find them offensive”
– “ok”
Anonymous techbros online:
“yOu CanT sAY aNYtHiNg ThEsE daYs”
Let me get this straight:
Lmao, morons gonna moron and on and on…
Bunch of weirdoes being weird.
NSFW warning please.
Posting two dickheads just like that…
The fact that this is an actual possibility is absolutely hilarious.
Couchfucker said what?
They’d be upset if they could read.
Yes I want a full-featured documentary about a cute baby hippo. You’re right.
Totally not a joke-country you guys.
Totally normal.
I have the same question, because many mastodon instances are barely keeping up with the costs of hosting pictures + text.
You are naive, if you really think that the law still applies to people in Trump’s near proximity.