I mean the it is the very definition of the word. A son or daughter an offspring.
I mean the it is the very definition of the word. A son or daughter an offspring.
I mean yes he is Joes child no matter how old he is.
Yes you need the support in place also otherwise it just gets worse.
No they should not be without the other support networks in place. BC in Canada decimalized and it made shit worse. You need the support infrastructure in place to help people with addiction also.
Sure but the Republicans have been going after hunter hard. That isn’t normal circumstances.
And America has proven nobody cares except the Democrats who don’t vote for high horse reasons son who cares.
He can’t blanket pardon people. He would have to do one for each person.
Ehh just fight it for a month pay king trump some money and bam their golden.
I just pulled the fuse for my vehicles modem once Mozilla released their report earlier this year or last year.
New report Mozilla said this a year ago I think. Released a privacy report on all car manufactures.
10 million less votes for Democrats and only 5000000 more votes for trump since last election. Yes I assume a large portion would have.
Sure but a lot didn’t care. Less voters this time Trump votes stayed steady so. Lots of people who voted Biden where ok with Trump getting in.
NPCs do not have any form of intelligence and don’t decide anything. Or is Windows intelligent cause I click an icon and it decides to do something?
Didn’t know he owned them. Since he says my stolen stuff. Now Eygpts sure.
The cyber truck has no crumble zones. I’d like to see Tesla’s tests.
I can steer to the shoulder of the road in a traditional vehicle hit the brakes. Can I do that in a cyber truck?
Your comments sounds exactly like that.
Never thought of they how would you brake if the car shutoff.
Talking about privacy and using the internet. Honestly it’s kind of stupid. The internet is a data gobbling machine and they are doing things we don’t even know about to collect data.