Basically all of the things I see other drivers doing when I’m not in their car.
- Distracted driving (e.g. phone)
- Resigning right-of-way in situations that are unsafe, like on highway entrance ramps and inside traffic circles
- Doing unpredictable things (e.g. quickly weaving through traffic, merging/turning without signaling)
- Zero clue about safe stopping distance for their vehicle, weight, and speed
- Cutting off freight, especially at highway speeds
- Generally unaware of what others are doing around them, only to wind up upset with others, then driving angry/aggressive
- Driving fast enough to overwhelm the car’s suspension and traction (wheels leave ground, springs bottom out)
The last one is particularly nauseating and terrifying if you’re in the car.
Timeshare (and MLM) salespeople are well-known for their ability to attract and then box-in a potential client. Delivering a pitch while in a fast moving car? That’s next-level diabolical, even for those people.