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Joined 1 month ago
Cake day: May 30th, 2024


  • Eugenics in is the garbage heap of history for this kind of thinking. Evolution is never ‘done’ and there are no perfect people, there is no ubermench, no Superman, and no Pinnnacle of human genetics, you could be born cut and discovering new fields of math and science by 8, then die of a congenital heart defect at 26. You can live 110 years fully functional and never develop past the intellectual benchmarks of a 7 year old. There’s no perfect. No one’s genes are ‘good’ or ‘bad’ only more typical or less typical, and typical can be a lot better than less typical in some categories, much worse in others. One of my kids started talking at 6mon. Like full on sentences. She developed very early. So it’s she a genius? She’s very smart, she hits all her benchmarks at school. But no, she’s not moving up in grades or anything, early development isn’t superior development, that’s a big misconception. What you think a perfect human is won’t match what others think. The more you learn about human biology, the more your going to learn that the statics can’t be boiled down to RPG stats. It’s millions of factors and what is good or best is entirely subjective.

  • I’ve been married 14 years, and I have no idea. It makes it REALLY hard to break up. No one can grasp that you changed your last name. At all. Every gov offical just BAFFLED. ‘‘I’ve worked in the county clerks office for 30 years and this is the FIRST I’ve heard of people changing their last name for marriage’’. Every. Fucking. Time. If you have kids that aren’t even close to 18, and you break up, You get to be EXACTLY the same as married, but now you don’t have sex or trust eachother. But literally nothing else changes. Also if you get married in your 20s, then by 40 you get to find out in excruciating detail that ‘inner child’, ‘mid-life crisis’, and ‘familiarity breeds contempt’, aren’t just dumb things people say, they are also why you dread being around someone you stupidly legally bound yourself too in the custom of a religion nether of you is still childish enough to buy into.

    I mean… it was pretty fun when we were having kids, going on trips, casually abusing Rx drugs, and having a sexual awakening after getting to 25 being painfully sexually repressed through religious abuse, but FUCK if I’m not aware of how little rope is left.