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Joined 26 days ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2024


  • I don’t understand your point… Obama won two presidential elections in a row. It would seem as though that "selling himself as a progressive convincingly worked out pretty well for him id say.

    So you’re saying that the people want a progressive candidate, but the Dems would, at most, give us the option of someone who sells themselves as progressive but is an actual neo-liberal?

    Oh, maybe I do get it after all. I was going to say that Gore was pretty progressive and did technically win, but that was 25 years agola

  • Big tough guy on the internet, but let’s see how you feel when Trump’s brown shirts are knocking on doors to check if you’re harboring any trans people…

    I wish I was joking, but be prepared because this shit can happen fast. Then maybe you’ll think back on this election and wonder what could have happened if all you stupid motherfuckers would just shut the fuck up and vote for Biden.

    “Wahhh we had four years to choose a better candidate and we did FUCKING NOTHING. Now we’re looking literal fascism in the face and we’re suddenly all concerned about who our presidential candidates are.” You know we have a whole process for this, right? It doesn’t start 5 months before the election.

    It’s so fucking juvenile. We get it, you’re not going to vote. Stop spreading your cancer.

  • I seem to recall that the anonymity of car is based on obscuring transactions through bundling

    Car? Autocorrect maybe?

    I’m not XMR fanboy or expert, and it is some beautiful mathematics, but wayyyyyy over my head. That said, you might be referring to “ring signatures” that I guess you could say “bundles” the transactions together but that would be far too reductive, it’s way cooler and more complicated than that.

    If I recall, there was talk of possible attack vectors, so they made it even more private. I’ll let wiki explain:

    The transaction outputs, or notes, of users sending Monero are obfuscated through ring signatures, which groups a sender’s outputs with other decoy outputs.[14] Encryption of transaction amounts began in 2017 with the implementation of ring confidential transactions (RingCTs).[8][15] Developers also implemented a zero-knowledge proof method, “Bulletproofs”, which guarantee a transaction occurred without revealing its value.[16] Monero recipients are protected through “stealth addresses”, addresses generated by users to receive funds, but untraceable to an owner by a network observer.[8] These privacy features are enforced on the network by default.[8]


    So it looks like it was 2017 when they changed things. I know there was some discussion of switching from RingCTs to zk-SNARK (a form of “zero-knowledge proof”) which, in and of itself, is an amazing cryptographic concept. I implore you to check out the wiki on it if you have any interest in cryptography or mathematics I think it’s brilliant: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zero-knowledge_proof

    So yeah, according to wiki, it seems as though they adopted zero-knowledge proofs… So not only ring signatures, but RingCTs (encrypted), plus ZKP, makes Monero pretty impenetrable. Which I think is cool af. As an engineer, I like seeing a typically abstract field/form of math be used in practical, real-world examples, as it doesn’t happen often.

  • Ooooh boy it must feel super special to have this secret knowledge that nobody else but you can seem to keep up with. Almost as if it’s bullshit.

    Tell me, based my one reply to you, who am I following? Is anyone who disagrees with you automatically a “follower”? That would seem a little too convenient, no?

    The fact is you’re a basic-ass, run of the mill contrarian. Most of us have learned how to deal with people like you in our real lives, but it’s always a little bit sad to see someone who clearly doesn’t have anyone in their life to tell them to shut the fuck up every now and then.

    So here, I’ll do everyone a service: Shut the fuck up.