Defense contractors have started entire wars to manipulate the market. It’s all market manipulation.
Defense contractors have started entire wars to manipulate the market. It’s all market manipulation.
If you can’t organize a political movement, you definitely can’t organize a revolution. Also, if history is a guide, the people with wealth tend to end up in power after a revolution.
Run for office, or find someone worthy and get behind their run. Don’t worry about Republicans for now,vee have to defeat the Democratic establishment before we will have the ability to fight Republicans.
The word fascism is rarely overused, people just don’t understand that fascism is the most common political ideology in the western world. People think that fascism only applies to jack booted thugs and concentration camps when it is really just banal bigotry and arrogant incompetence.
Jury nullification.
There were really two reasonable profiles to expect, right wing or Islamic extremist. He seems to have split the difference in an odd way. It will be interesting to see how this impacts the election. He is an immigrant, so that could help AfD, but he is also (at least) fascist adjacent which could hurt them.
That’s not what ending no fault divorce is about. It’s about making it harder for women to leave an abusive marriage without an expensive legal process. It wouldn’t be an obstacle to rich assholes like Trump.
Ukrainian leadership would face imminent revenge for the killing of a top Russian general
If Russia were capable of this then they would just do it, not talk about it. This is the kind of tough talk that betrays weakness.
Yep. Biden and Harris come to mind, as does the rest of the Democratic establishment. If they didn’t prefer Trump to Bernie, this would be a much sweeter timeline.
Most of Trump’s cabinet ranges from morally indifferent to outright hostile to human beings. The only exception I think I see is RFK Jr. who is just batshit insane.
Um, really? Darwinism is now the dividing line between right wing and liberal? Hitler was a liberal? Are you unaware of how Nazi propaganda equated Jews with wealthy bankers and merchants to harness class resentment?
I’m not saying he is Hitler, but your bar for right wing is pretty damning of the American educational system.
It’s an amazingly accurate stereotype that right wingers change their opinion on an issue the moment it impacts them. I’m sure you’re on track with his motive, but that doesn’t make him a liberal.
The computers we have today help to do logistics to “feed, clothe and house the homeless”. They also help you to advocate to do more. How much of that would be comprehensible to someone living in 1900?
I’m not sure that homelessness is a problem quantum computing or AI are suitable for. However, AI has already contributed in helping to solve protein folding problems that are critical in modern medicine.
Solving homelessness and many other problems isn’t resource constrained as you think. It’s more about the will to solve them, and who profits from leaving them unsolved. We have known for decades that providing homes for the homeless in a large city actually saves the city money, but we’re still not doing it. Renewable energy has been cheaper than fossil fuels for almost as long. Medicare for all would cost significantly less than the US private healthcare system, and would lead to better results, but we aren’t doing that either.
There is a lot more than liking right wing media figures. Class solidarity is a bit of a stretch since his family wealth is closer to what that CEO had than most Americans.
Is the enemy of my enemy my friend? Maybe. I’m just not sure this guy is a great banner carrier. I respect your opinion and realize I’m in the minority. I’d be much happier if he was never caught. I don’t desire to see him punished, but I don’t see it being helpful if he gets painted as the next Ted Kaczynski. His background is just not helpful.
It’s worth noting that we don’t know exactly why they called the cops. It appears the cops didn’t know who he was until they had him pull down his mask. I’m guessing he was quite the sight after several days on the run, and probably several nights without much sleep.
I respect your take, but you’d probably be surprised how many lefties are proficient with firearms. It’s liberals that generally hate guns, although even that’s less true in the US. Marx himself was adamant that workers should retain the right to own firearms.
The SRA Socialist Rifle Association has over 10k members in the US. Not exactly the 5m members of the NRA, but I’ll bet there are more lefties in the NRA than the SRA, just because it is so ubiquitous.
I said “seems” because only bits of information have come out and there as been very little analysis. That said, Rational National has the best take I’ve seen so far.
Meh, it seems he was just another right wing douchebag who got radicalized when it impacted him. As much as I like a keystone cops story, I don’t much care that he got caught - even though the CEO had it coming. Maybe his buddy Elon will have Trump write him a pardon.
Unfortunately, we’d have to stop all the infighting and work together.
Given all the divisions in our society, it’s remarkable how unified people seem over cheering this CEOs murder. I think we may have unlocked a common cause.
They have so much money, they can buy invincibility.
There is no such thing. Even the secret service drops the ball sometimes. Also, more security means more potential for betrayal. If the demand for security personal goes up, the quality will go down.
A little baking soda to lower the PH takes away some of the unpleasantness. With the right PH, salinity, and temperature, you barely feel the water flowing. You can also add just a drop of baby shampoo to help clean out crusties.
It’s a common rhetorical shortcut to anthropomorphize evolution. Doing so doesn’t necessarily indicate that the writer doesn’t understand how evolution works. It’s just cumbersome to repeat an explanation of random mutation and natural selection in every discussion of evolved trait.
Neither creatures nor evolution get to “decide” to develop a trait but, as countless evolutionary arms races show, useful traits and refinements do tend to happen in a way that evokes a sense of conscious decision making.