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Joined 1 month ago
Cake day: August 8th, 2024


  • This isn’t college.

    And that’s not how AI works.

    AI literally just copies bits of lots of sources and cobbles it together.

    It has no idea what any of it means. We learn via experience. AI models won’t

    If I write a reference book, I need to reference my source if I’m quoting things. Even if I saw it in 2 different books .

    AI does not

    Question… if there is only 1 source of information on a topic, and AI needs to reference it, what happens? It basically just copies it and changes a few words. No reference to the original author. It doesn’t even know.

    If I read a book into a podcast and change a few words, take credit and don’t give any to the original author is that ok?

    It’s not AI. That’s a marketing term like blockchain. Its just a combined data scraper with some random data.

  • What people don’t realize, is that Miguel de Icaza actually started gnome and mono.

    Xamarin got acquired by Microsoft.

    I’m so tired of watching the community crap on every company which donates open source (I’ve been watching for 25 years at least now). Even Redhat which basically is a major factor to the survival of Linux is getting crapped on. Systemd developers, etc.

    If people are genuinely interested in Linux growing, they need a positive community. Because developers like myself mostly stopped providing free code (as a hobbyist developer) because whilst finding help is difficult, it’s not hard to find people willing to abuse you and your projects unfortunately

    Even the VLC developers can’t escape the abuse

  • Mate. I don’t even use Windows anymore lol

    And I started a few open source projects and contributed to a lot of them.

    This is why Linux still isn’t gaining market share because for 25 years I’ve been watching the community scare off developers and treat them like crap. It happens constantly.

    You’re not giving anyone any incentive to assist

    In all likelihood they donated this code because it doesn’t benefit them anymore or became a burden. The developers aren’t sitting there thinking “mmm, this is gonna make us so popular”.

    Did you know the guy who stayed mono is actually the guy who started gnome? They got acquired by Microsoft.

  • I agree actually. They’re not giving ANYONE incentive to donate to open source, and that mirrors my own experience where the community were asses to me too for my own project (which got lots of publicity including international print media, frontpage slashdot, etc. But after putting up with trolls telling me to do it a different way and calling it crap I dumped it. Fortunately a major distro had a similar idea at the same time and implemented. And thats a distro these same guys have also shat on honestly over the years.

    People turned on Redhat too fairly quickly, and they donated a metric ton of code. And my experience in a lot of open source projects honestly is that on most of them, the community contributes next-to-nothing. Canonical too… SystemD? Constantly getting attacked.

    it’s why I personally stopped creating my own projects.

    If the community stopped using code from these companies they constantly crap on, I think they would be surprised just how little of linux is left (like Wayland is by a Redhat Developer, and Keith Packard from Xorg worked at HP).

    And somehow, there is always some weird conspiracy too. Like even releasing Windows 1.0 source code would be something Microsoft does to try to trick linux users or whatever lol