For me, it would be that I smoke weed
That I’m a girl now. Would have blown their mind that it was even possible. But then would have been disappointed in me for not having made a video game yet.
As someone who recently came out, I was kinda hoping that this would be here. It is a pretty wild thought
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Estradiol is fucking magical.
Estrogen in general I would say.
But then would have been disappointed in me for not having made a video game yet.
That’s me NOW, too! Maybe if enough of us get together we can cobble something together to appease our childhood selves
But with how abusive the game industry is, makes me never want to get a job at a company that makes games. But that also means I have a full time job doing something else, and the idea of doing my job and coming home to work on my passion project game also sounds nightmarish.
I was about to comment the same thing lol. Even the video game part.
Honestly though, I feel like there’s a chance I wouldn’t have been surprised cause I feel like I subconsciously knew back then but just didn’t understand it or know the words to describe it.
I always felt a kinship with girls while growing up and often thought of it as the idea that men and women really weren’t as different as people kept saying they were.
No kid, you’re trans. You weren’t a shining example of how a boy can get along with girls. You were just a girl among other girls.
“What do you mean you’re happy with getting socks for Christmas?!”
Never thought I’d spend as much on the wool socks I have… yet here I am.
Darn Tough
Woa… I had no idea the branding was chosen for that. Very cool.
Last time I was gifted socks…they were the wrong one (somehow, I get my socks from Walmart, so I’m not too picky, or so I thought). I’m pretty sure it was an amazon special - anyways now I tell everyone I’m super picky about socks or that I have 20 pairs already.
i live in a different country and most of the day i speak a different language
You see that pretty girl who lets you touch her? That’s your wife.
See those kids - they are yours. That one can go hunting and will get more girls than you ever will, that one is as kind and caring as you can get, and that one will do dumb shit with you.
Evwrybody likes to feel useful
That I never did Something Great™ with my life.
Didn’t become a rock star, didn’t cure cancer, didn’t invent a world changing technology, didn’t become a famous artist, etc.
I didn’t know specifically what I was aiming to do, but for some reason I assumed that i would do something that made a big impact on the world. I was totally convinced of it. And it’s not because my parents constantly told me that or anything. The closest i heard was a lot of “you have so much potential if you’d only apply yourself!” Ugh.
i didnt hear no bell
Maybe at your age. At my age almost all of the Something Great bells have rung. Don’t get me wrong, there are still plenty of very meaningful things i can accomplish, and many important impacts i can make on individual people’s lives, - but for me the possibility of doing something that has a broader impact on society is pretty much gone. But so what, the impact i can have on individual people’s lives is still very valuable, and my own subjective experience of life is just as important as anyone else’s! So i try to make my own experience of living as good as it can be!
How old are you? Ball park.
Old enough to have a significant amount of gray hairs, but not so old that it’s all gray
Ah, early 30’s
That’s one interpretation, but the description i gave includes a much larger range than that
my parents had me convinced id magically save the world. made me feel like id never have to try, so i didnt. we see how that worked out lol
Do you have kids or a partner?
Because that made a significant impact on their world.
That’s exactly what i was trying to say. I don’t have the chance to make an impact on society at large, but i absolutely do make a very significant impact on the individual people in my personal circle, and that’s extremely valuable.
I’m impressed with the amount of people who can actually remember what they were like as a 10 year old. I’ve got some pictures n’ shit of myself from back then, but honestly that might as well be a completely different person, and I can’t tell you jack about what’s going through their head.
I can relate to that. I remember specific memories, but my situation has changed so much that I don’t relate to being the same person
What age do you start remembering what you were like?
I became really self-aware at 11. I’m guessing a bit about being 10, but 6th grade (11-12) is when I feel like I started being the person I still am 20+ years later. Obviously I’ve grown, but it started then.
I have some vague memories from around middle school, but pretty much nothing prior to that.
Highschool and later are locked in, but before that goes from hazy to brick wall real quick.
Very relatable! It’s weird, do you think it’s because you were different or just young?
I’m in my mid 30s now: no idea if it’s normal at this point to remember or forget that stage of childhood.
That I am a girl now. Seems to be a common pattern şn the comment section 💀
Same, although I had thoughts in that direction at that age but I couldn’t categorize them.
yep. Same (about having had the thoughts and not being able to categorize)
Probably that I haven’t killed myself yet. That’s not a joke.
Growing up poor in the suburbs, now living on an old farm in the middle of nowhere, Denmark, growing my own weed, a beautiful wife, have chickens, 2 cats and a dog, my younger self would be flabbergasted. Mostly because I was “destined” to have my life fucked, but I overcame obstacles that surprised my childhood friends. Had one say at my wedding “You were the last person I thought would make it”.
Gotta be proud of what I’ve accomplished.
I’m gonna have a drink tonight for this. Here’s to making it. The best feeling you can have as a child is hearing from your parents when you’ve become an adult that they’re proud of who you have become.
It would be good, had it not been for my father being absent from I was 13 until I was 35, when we reconnected. He told me he was proud of me (wtf?) and we did a video call. He told me I needed to cut my hair (had hair nearly reaching my bellybutton, and I’m male). Realised later why on his Facebook: he’s a self-proclaimed nazi (he’s greek) who believes all gays (probably LGBTQ+ in general) should be killed, and the fact that the only way to punish criminals who’s done something to you is to get your crew together and beat them up. So yeah, fun lol
My half-brother on my father’s side has completely removed him due to being who he is, which is 100% understandable, as I have also removed our father from my life now.
And my mother has told me she’s proud of me, but she’s a narcissistic alcoholic, so lots of luggage there lol.
At least I’m married now 8 years and counting), own a house with land, and have chosen my family (you can’t choose who you’re blood related to, but you can choose your family!), whom I love and cherish.
Therapy helps (along with mushrooms)!!
Rant over 😂
Thanks for the drink 🍺🥂
I mean thats like what. fourth or fifth grade. I can’t even relate to who that was. flashes of memory at best. got a little more coherent ones from junior high but even high school and college are a blur.
Thank jeebus you didn’t have to get married to the type of men in the community/cult we grew up in and pop out babies.
Probably that I’m alive?
I already dealt with (undiagnosed) chronic depression by 10. The first time I thought about killing myself I don’t think I even knew the word “suicide.” I also had an overwhelming sense that I wouldn’t live past 30. That might not have started until I was 11 or 12, but I think it was there when I was younger.
Weirdly my mom also had an overwhelming sense that she would lose me at a young age from the day I was born, which she didn’t have with my older sister.
Well, I’m past 30 now. My love of people in my life has kept the suicidal ideation to only that. While I still have chronic depression, I’ve learned to manage it better over the years and medication helps.
I genuinely don’t know why I was depressed or had suicidal thoughts that young. I didn’t have a traumatic home or childhood. My parents worked a lot but loved me and my sister without question. We didn’t have a lot of money but always had enough food. I loved school and had great teachers. I wasn’t sexually assaulted before I was 10 (I think I was 12 the first time). I don’t know and that bothers me.
ETA: I guess I was bullied at school by 10, so maybe that accounts for it?
That i don’t believe in god anymore. My family was very religious growing up
The brainwashing is real. Took me years to fully grow out of it.
I finally bought that Gameboy advance
My job…
10 year old me would be amazed
21 year old me would call me a sell out
30 year old me would nod approvingly
Current age me is getting too old for this shit
Current age me is getting too old for this shit
Ah fuck, you’re partnered with Riggs, aren’t you?