Little Nicky is the shiznit!
Little Nicky is the shiznit!
Omg, went to Australia over the summer (their winter) and learned how they do Vegemite and I am addicted. I’m currently out at home and I need more!!!
Thank you! I think it’s a nice compromise. Those that want to say it can and others can feel and be who they want. I grew up saying it, but these days I do think it’s weird to pledge allegiance to a flag or that we have to constantly tout how we’re the best country (we’re not). With age comes wisdom and experience.
I don’t think you’re wrong at all.
Personally, I don’t hate the flag because for me it represents ideals that should be for everyone and that I should be fighting oppression of those against the dream. I have a very Captain America-esque view.
What I cringe and have disgust with are the citizens that want to tear down these just ideals or misrepresent and distort what we should be.
Yes it still goes on. I live in a very liberal city with a ton of diversity bordering Chicago and our schools still do it here. However, they don’t care if you participate or not - that is your personal choice.
I have been substitute teaching and I’ve noticed that not many kids recite it. They just listen to it being recited over the morning announcements.
Same boat here.
The only issues I’ve ever personally run into with Windows are a missing driver for a software I was installing, like twice, and compatibility for gaming which was solved with admin mode and selecting a different compatibility. I’ve used Windows since 3.1
You might be conflating with the housefly which will throw up on food it lands on because the enzymes break it down so they can suck it up.
Hole up in Costco for two weeks or so.
The rotting corpses who only hunger for flesh are going to be eaten by animals and bugs. Because they don’t have regular ways to maintain water balance for muscles they will atrophy and become immobile. They will pretty much be a non threat while I have plenty of food and shelter to last me.
I’m doing my part!
I’m in my 40s and I sort of just dropped out of gaming on PC. I game on a console when I feel like I want to game.
My desktop rarely gets turned on anymore and I only use it for a cracked version of Wizards of the Coast’s 4E character builder because I play in a group that runs fourth edition.
My laptop is for learning things (IT related), general browsing, taxes, and whatever I feel like doing that feels cumbersome on a phone.
Interesting. I’ve never seen that, but I haven’t worked in a company where I’ve needed to send to more than, at most, 15 people at a time.
Probably should be a standard default setting. I wonder what the case for not doing this is? If someone needs to see who is in a group they can usually just open the group in their client and view the emails.
A majority of corporate idiots don’t bcc. That’s why the above happens a lot.
Thank you!
Can you explain for the rest of the class?
Can someone seriously type with their penis? Impressive!
Mine are on two years and the original controllers. I don’t play for hours on end daily though. I do play several hours a week though.
Thank you! I think it’s a career right up my alley and I’m excited to land my first gig - hopefully in the next couple of months.
I absolutely enjoy this movie as well! Nemo kicking ass is a joy to watch