Pocky Sticks… so many Pocky Sticks!!
Potato chips/crisps!
Dark chocolate. Sweet enough to satisfy sugar cravings, but a low enough sugar content I can chomp on one to get my blood sugar up before going to the corner store for breakfast.
Microwave popcorn. It’s convenient enough that I can make it easily any time, but just inconvenient enough that it doesn’t all get horked down on the first day.
Breakfast bars. They’re not just for breakfast!
I’m also partial to chips & salsa.
A shitload of my favorite brand of protein bars, tastes just close enough to a chocolate bar that I dont feel cheated.
Also the fitness branded protein ice creams. 360 calories and I get to fuck up a whole pint watching TV?
And both of them help me hit my protein targets for the day.
Are there savory protein bars available?
Crisps or air fryer party mix containing stuff like frikadellen, chicken nuggets or bitter balls. If you don’t know number 1 and 3 then I feel sorry for the sad life you have lived up until now and urge you to get off your ass and find a snack bar somewhere between Zierikzee and Delfzijl.
None. If I crave for something crunchy I eat carrots or nuts. If I want to eat sweets I make my own brownies, marzipan or chocolate chip cookies. And if I really want to each chips/crisps I make my own batch.
When you say you make your own marzipan, do you start from almonds? That seems like so much work- is it significantly cheaper or better than store bought marzipan or do you just prefer to be self sufficient?
When I have time I do it from scratch but usually I end up using almond flour.
Does it taste better? Almond flour is over three times the price of marzipan here, so it looks like it would be more expensive to make it myself, but I love marzipan and am down to pay more and put some work in for better marzipan.
I could also just see the prices being different elsewhere, though, given that I’m in Germany and marzipan is a much more common ingredient than almond flour here.
It’s difficult to tell if it tastes better. Some store bought were better other worse. But the best thing about making it is that you can make the way you like it.
ricey crackers, they have chocolate and rice. everything one needs, besides some water…
Oh no now I need some 😛. Had totally forgotten they existed 🤤
Frozen mango pieces. I love eating those whenever I’m in the mood for something to snack.
Not sure if it counts as junk food, but it’s something I always try to keep at home. Though lately they’ve been sold out at the supermarket. So I’m forced to fall back on my 2nd choice, frozen raspberries.
frozen raspberries
Haha those should be first choice. Basically the polar opposite in terms of flavor profile
Junk food is a metaphor for thermodynamics. Nothing lasts. if it’s in stock, then it’s eaten. So I try not to buy any. But even then I will dip strawberries in sugar.
dip strawberries in sugar
Aha, i knew it u sick mothafucka!
Tbh I dont
Thanks for sharing, sharkfucker420. Be safe out there and may the currents always be ever in your favor
Breakfast cereal
My wife and I both agree that it’s a dessert, not a food XD
What ones you like?
I miss trader Joe’s dried chili mango and candied hibiscus, their entire dried fruit section really.
candied hibiscus? like the flower is candied?
Hibiscus flowers are full of vitamin c, and taste like cranberries!
I had no idea. that sounds delicious.
the flower petals are so thin, how thick is the candy coating?
It’s actually made with the calyx rather than the petals, same as with hibiscus tea.
are you sure? a lot of the ones I looked up look like they dehydrate the petals. the recipes call for the flower rather than the calyx.
Yup, those are calices, it’s the bottom part of the flower, that holds the petals together.
I thought the calyx was the green part that holds the flower by its base.
like this?
and the flavor they’re talking about sounds like hibiscus petals, which are supposed to be citrusy.