At least I let the dude walk away with his balls
Oooooh. You’re such a tough guy! So big and manly with your little knife and Hot Topic bracelet. Sorry nobody else got erect listening to your tale of bravery and danger!
At least I let the dude walk away with his balls
Oooooh. You’re such a tough guy! So big and manly with your little knife and Hot Topic bracelet. Sorry nobody else got erect listening to your tale of bravery and danger!
Is this just a trick question, that leads people into saying that Santa’s birthday is Christmas? Or is there a point behind it?
There are quite a few TikTok live streamers. Often hobbyists that chat while knitting or painting or doing crossword puzzles. I’ve seen a few that seemed like they were just in the middle of their day, but I didn’t stick around to find out.
Hey! Just wanted to come back and thank you for mentioning RPGamer Radio!
I’ve been playing it at work, and I’m really enjoying it. Thanks!
I can’t narrow it down to one gag, but Holy Grail as a whole.
Fight Club
Big Lebowski
The Matrix
Lord of the Rings probably deserves a top spot, I can’t deny how epic it really was. Watching the behind the scenes on those was even more mind blowing when you realize all the tiny details that went into every shot, but it didn’t have the personal impact that the other three had.
Liheap is a federal program that pays a portion of energy bills for low income households. It’s a national program, and affects people in every state.
This letter is from ONE utility company in AL. They sent the letter to 100 of THEIR customers to explain why their bills would be going up $100. There are many other people in other areas that will be affected, but those utility companies may or may not send a similar letter saying “TRUMP DID THIS TO YOU!”
That’s what I’ve been doing for a while, but I’ve been seeing more pages getting wise to it, and not letting me in after blocking JavaScript.
That’s not accurate. Did you read the letter?
They were getting a $100 credit on their bill because of the Federal Program.
Until the funding is reinstated, they will not be getting the $100 discount.
It was the birthplace of the modern zipper.
I didn’t think there was anything wrong with it, but I visited that forum and the top posts were vitriol.
Take a look if you haven’t.
By chance are you autistic or ADHD?
Typical. Edit the comment, move the goalpost, and claim that the point still stands even though the data you used as proof fell apart.
I have no interest in talking to pieces of shit that voted to make some of my children “superior” to the others.
They put my family at risk, and I cannot accept that as a simple “difference of opinions”.
Lemmy is better off without the misinformation and hate those people bring.
Go hang out in 4chan if you think those people bring anything off value to the conversation.
First off, that’s completely false.
Less than 30% of Americans voted for Donald Trump. And a small portion of those people who did vote Trump, voted Democrat for their local elections.
I won’t argue with your numbers about Canada, but since your US numbers were inaccurate, I’m guessing the Canadian numbers are as well.
I feel dirty now from clicking that link just to see where it goes.
If I go looking, I can probably find plenty of people sharing “evidence” that the Earth is flat. That doesn’t mean most people are falling for it.
If you’re having trouble finding the kind of opinions you’re looking for, maybe they aren’t the opinions of “the majority of the world.”
I was playing the Stardew Valley OST at work this week. That’s music to get shit done at a relaxing pace.
That’s not what “Taking something to heart” means.
It means to hear a complaint or comment and take it personally. Which may have a bad connotation “I mentioned white privilege and they took it to heart and got defensive about not being a racist” or good connotation “I guess they took my comments about the layout to heart, because this flows much better than before.”
The question is still totally valid, but the title doesn’t really describe what you’re asking.
Dude. Cut your losses.
If the first post didn’t impress anybody, why would you link to it and bring it to everyone’s attention again? Add in a little whining about how you didn’t get the attention you think you deserve, and you’ve got a recipe for ridicule.
Go on, tell us more about how tough you are. 😂