The Narcissist’s Prayer
That didn’t happen.
And if it did, it wasn’t that bad.
And if it was, that’s not a big deal.
And if it is, that’s not my fault.
And if it was, I didn’t mean it.
And if I did, you deserved it.
Trump was already facing multiple criminal and civil suits in 2016. They had 8+ years to hold him accountable for even a single thing, and didn’t.
Yeah this is an important point. If the system lets guys like Trump get away with obvious crimes for 8 years, and that’s when it’s working as intended, then the system needs to be dismantled. Maybe the only way to drain the swamp is to let it turn into a sinkhole that drags everything down with it. Not that we have much choice in the matter at this point.
Don’t destroy swamps. They’re massive sinks of carbon and havens for biodiversity. Leave the swamp alone.
Read the room drag, ffs.
They’re a button-pusher.
He cheated before the 2016 election by committing dozens of felonies, and we were unable to sentence him before the 2024 election. Sad.
I could go for kicking Merrick Garland in the dick. Might make me feel just a little better.
The only guy that trump never insults. And Biden never fired.
Florida man.
The velocity of those goalposts is astounding.
Goalpost Railgun
“No one in their right mind is backing 2025…”
Then why did YOU?!
“It’s just a joke”
I’d like to start a new response of “I don’t care if you’re joking, you’re still an asshole”.
Is the punchline “we’re all fucked”?
Trump will be just fine, and they’re all trump in their minds.
Ahh yes the joke that they posted a several hundred page memo about and had been celebrating up until the point they realized it had gotten spread and they were getting criticized for it.
Lighten up bro! It’s just words on paper. Nobody understands it.
Proverbs 26:18-20
Nice one!
18 Like a maniac shooting flaming arrows of death
19 is one who deceives their neighbor and says, “I was only joking!”
20 Without wood a fire goes out; without a gossip a quarrel dies down.
That goes against what I believe so I will reject it.
This is America.
Don’t catch you slippin’ now
Republicans consider a “joke” to mean what they retroactively designate something that they meant in earnest as soon as they get pushback.
It reminds me of this clip. I love his reaction
This is why America deserves everything it voted for this time around.
The people who voted for evil do.
The people who failed to vote against evil do, but less.
The people who voted against evil? No fuckin chance.
“America” is too wide a brush, but I get talking that way.
I guess the issue is that, assuming a turnout of 60% for simplicity, the undeserving third category you mention only makes up roughly 30% of eligible voters. Which means 70% of eligible voters are deserving of what’s coming to them (according to you). I acknowledge that throwing the whole country into the same bucket is not a fair and helpful simplification, but it’s becoming increasingly harder to resist the urge.
Pour one out for all the people drilled into being ultra-gullible when it comes to Fox&Co-Conspirators and completely immunised to viewpoints that contradict the propaganda machine. Would be funny if it wasn’t so sad.
Have a civil war then
Arguably, we still are.
A lot of people are going to suffer who didn’t vote for him. This is as callous as the fascists.
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Can you see how that doesn’t change the response you replying to?
Some people didn’t vote for him
Well other people didn’t vote
Are two unrelated statements.
And yet here we are.
Sure and that’s a sacrifice that America voted for and also literally didn’t even bother voting against.
After nearly half a decade of disappointment, I this it’s high time Americans felt the pain of their actions.
Conservative / fascist leaders deserve it, the rest of us do not. The kids who were too young to vote, the leftists who fight against fascism, and the workers who don’t have the time to follow politics do not deserve any of what is to come.
Young voters voted for Trump. Tons of kids support him:
Unionized workers had grassroots support for Trump:
Staunch democrats sat out, or protest voted:
Ignorantia juris non excusat. Ignorance of the law excuses not.
America is objectively, measurably, ignorant, trapped in bubbles, and we collectively did little to lift each other out. We are going to face justice for it.
Can’t wait to see all the sad Pikachu faces when he guts union protections and outlaws public sector unions altogether. “Can’t wait”
“Why do liberals do this to us? This is a failure of the demonrat party, next time I’m voting for Trump harder, he promised to help us”
Which is what happened in 2016 exactly.
Lard ass promised to “make coal mining great again”.
They got nothing, which was to be expected.
Biden, as much as I find faults with him, actually did come through big for unions and the unions members, I’m sorry but they’re not the brightest here and we’re failed by their union leadership and by Democrats to get it through their thick skulls that Democrats actually did a shit ton for them and had their backs.
“Yeah, but liberal Hollywood offended me with their wokeness”. Or, “Yeah, but the smartypants college grads talked down to me”
You had me until that last group.
If you opt out of participating, you deserve whatever happens without you.
We’re in this mess arguably because of all the people who chose not to participate.
The left cuts down their candidates and elected officials over any faults, while the right uplifts them regardless of any faults. Is it any surprise the Dems always look bad in comparison to an uninformed voter.
The left has no candidates. The last time centrists didn’t get 100% of everything they wanted, they formed a PAC to try to get McCain elected, but they’ll certainly get mad at anyone who even considers expecting better.
I guess the theory is if people sit it out, handing it to the Republicans, the Dems will get shocked into moving left in the future? Seems like a gamble to me. Wouldn’t it make more sense to do that during primary season?
No. There is literally nothing that can happen and certainly nothing I can say that will get spoiled centrists to ever accept that in order to get voters to the polls, you might have to get only 98% of everything you want.
You need to court voters. You consider such behavior beneath you.
The party is willing to throw anyone but Netanyahu and Cheney under the bus and has no fucking clue at all why people stay home.
Second worst isn’t sufficient to win. Blaming the voters because you don’t want to be better won’t change that.
And primary season?! What primary season? Democrats haven’t had a primary without a preordained winner since 2008. We didn’t even have primaries this year. And the last time centrists didn’t get their very first choice in the primaries, they formed a PAC to get McCain elected. Don’t preach about primaries when they’re a sham and you always get what you want out of them.
Is anyone really that uninformed though?
People voted for the racist rapist. Ignorant would be a component
Yeah, except only a minority of the population voted for this. It’d be great if only they bore the fruits of their stupid labors.
I deserve whatever. But my kids don’t.
Then get them out of America
Not everyone voted for Trump, but even so, people don’t deserve pain just because they’re bad.
Stop this puritanical bs.
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No one “deserves” pain.
Sometimes you have to apply harm to stop greater harm, but the concept of “deserving” harm is disgusting.
If you have to use violence on someone, to stop them from causing greater harm, they deserved it.
If I have to use violence on someone, I am sad that the situation is such that I have to do so, and I wish it weren’t so.
This doesn’t mean they don’t deserve it. It just means you are sad it had to come to this. The fact that you had to resort to violence, due to how awful they are, means they deserved it. Had they not deserved it, you wouldn’t have great cause to be violent. Unless you are becoming violent towards people that would respond to lesser input, they deserved it.
I think maybe we just disagree with how you’re using “deserved”.
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Nazis deserve no quarter. Learn some history, you’re edging pretty close to Nazi apologia.
No, but it is a democracy and so just how the racists had to put up with Biden, now everyone else has to put up with The Racist.
OK and?
That was it. Good day.
Conservatives: I like [insert obnoxious conservative figurehead] because they tell it like it is, they mean what they say
Also conservatives, sometimes in the same breath: Fake! [obnoxious conservative figurehead] didn’t mean that! Taken out of context! 'Tis but a jape!
Jesus fuck the reality distortion field is strong, it’s like doublethink but without being a clever social trick to survive, it’s just they’re that stupid.
I ‘member when the reality distortion field was just a Steve Jobs and Apple thing.
We were such sweet innocent summer children.
RumbaGPT, how will this play out?
He’s probably just joking and if he’s not, it’s not so bad and if it is that bad it won’t affect you and it if will you deserve it
I used to have a boss who like to joke about firing people on his team. He was a nice guy and there was no ill intention behind the jokes, but we eventually had to sit him down and tell him that he couldn’t joke about that stuff because it causes a great deal of stress to people given his position.
Another example is bomb jokes in airports. Aside from just being in poor taste, that’s something that will get you arrested and probably put on a no-fly list for life because it’s an extremely serious matter with no exceptions.
So, even if Trump and his people are just joking about these horrible things, it’s completely unacceptable when it’s entirely believable they would do this stuff and would be in a position to make it happen.
TLDR: There are just some things you don’t fucking joke about.
I joke about firing people sometimes, but I am not a manager and never want to be managing anyone. I only say it to people who know that I have no power over them which is the only time this joke is OK.
I do IT at a semiconductor foundry, and only us and managers walk around with laptops. I don’t even have to say anything, and people get in panic mode and scramble to look like they are working until I say don’t worry, I’m just IT. I won’t say a word.
Every single time any of them say anything atrocious, it gets dismissed by the people who realize how bad it is as a joke.
Every single time.
Sounds like you hate free speech! You would really imprison others for a difference of opinion??!
—any random trumpfuck
“He’s probably just joking” is something I heard so much over the past few years about things the right has been spewing. THEY ARE NOT JOKING, THEY ARE NEVER JOKING! I don’t know how this is a hard thing to understand.
Also, if they are lying about these things, why did they vote for a liar? A lot of people who called agenda 2025 fake or lies still voted for the party representing it.
Trump says ‘I don’t kid’ after aides argue he was joking about slowing coronavirus testing.
he was joking about that you too, of course
Also, why the fuck is it cool for a politician to joke about doing shit? Literally any joke is not cool.
Fuck, my neighbor says the same every time Trump says something awful. “Trump just talks a lot of shit, he’s just joking.”
Fuck you neighbor, you approved leadership from the guy who encouraged putting kids in cages.
Putting kids in cages to sell them.into child sex trafficking because trump and his cronies ARE THE PEDOPHILES THAT MAGA IS LOOKING FOR
How can someone who is completely devoid of humor be joking?
For people who apparently joke so much they sure as shit ain’t funny
I also argued with someone who said the information was a badly organized protest and said I was overreacting lol
The time for being reasonable and trying to convince willfully ignorant fucks is long past. You tell them they are a fucking fool. You block them on all communication channels. You never talk to them again. Trying to reason with an idiot is a waste of time. If anything you feed their thought process they are right by debating. They should all be ignored. They should all be cut off from their loved ones and friends.
Shut them down, but leave them a route out.
It’s a cult, one of the goals is to trap people within them. The worst thing we can do is shove people back into that box, once they try and escape. It might be satisfying, but it’s also extremely counterproductive.
If America wants to actually win, you either need to outlive, or deconvert the members. The first will take generations, I presume you don’t want to have to wait that long?
Cults do that from the inside to stay strong.
As much as I want to agree with you, I don’t find this to be the best way. There are people who are going to be lost causes, but we owe it to ourselves and the people we care about to try getting them back to reason. We all do dumb shit all our lives, we can’t give up on people there’s too much hate already.
There are some Trump supporters in my family and I was able to get through to one of my uncles. He used to be chill, smoke, and be in a jam band. No idea how someone so laid back can all the sudden have a whole room full of Trump memorabilia and repeating such hateful rhetoric.
It was so damn hard. Talked for hours, had to keep repeating things like ‘please, I love you, why would I lie to you’. I had to open up more than I ever had to anyone. He tried leave and ignore me sometimes, but I really put myself in it. I really listened to him and why he went so hard into Trump. Argued about policies and everything under the sun. But I feel like I got my uncle back now, like REALLY got him back. It hasn’t felt like this since before COVID.
I know this is probably cheesy but Under Pressure by Queen and David Bowie is what got me to start reaching out and I’m going to keep trying with others in my life
How delusional. They’re gonna try to pass all of it.
Didn’t the Heritage Foundation write Trump’s playbook last term with like 60 some odd percent being put into effect?
Anyone who thinks it’s going to be different is an idiot.
The Heritage Foundation also wrote something like 80% of the policies that were passed under Reagan. I wish journalists would talk about that more. Think tanks for the 1% shouldn’t be writing our laws
There is no “try” for authoritarians. Most of it probably won’t even need to “pass” anything, and if it does, it’ll be rubber stamps