I hate Matt Walsh and his stupid face.
I hate Matt Walsh and his stupid face.
Yeah this isn’t really an onion article come to life. We need better standards here
Every accusation is an admission with the GOP
Free speech absolutist
The police are government funded terrorists.
Billionaires become billionaires by suppression of the masses. This is on brand.
Lawns are one of the stupidest things Americans obsess about.
No thank you.
Make your platform so bad in the interest of shareholders so no one wants to use your platform anymore. It’s a story as old as capitalism.
Age and being out of touch are bed mates too. It should be representative of our population.
This assumes an infinite timeline and budget.
Agreed. I found that many developers, in the pursuit of clean code, lost slight of some of the fundamentals principles of good code. I found that people were eschewing readability and modularity and calling it clean code.
Clean code became the target, not the underlying principles and the reason why we needed clean code in the first place. It became an entirely new thing that aided in producing some of the worst code I’ve read.
Oftentimes, when devs talk about “clean code” it’s a red flag for me in hiring. Some of the worst devs I’ve worked with have been clean code evangelists.
pics_free_free it is.
What’s going to stop people from creating a new community and migrating the second reddit pay walls it.
Oh pics is now paywalled, looks like everyone is using pics_free
Please just us in using Firefox.
NFTs, Saudi Arabia. Full of Ls for the IOC
A lot of people are going to suffer who didn’t vote for him. This is as callous as the fascists.