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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • I don’t understand how the system in the US works at all. It seems like a very small amount of people with a very specific background vote on people. So there’s a ton of people getting elected all the time. But somehow the people who are elected make international news all the time? They seem very much not important and only represent a small part of the population.

    Am I missing something? Why are these clowns like Bobo The Clown and Magic The Gathering getting so much attention? Who cares what some random idiots do, if they don’t actually have that much power to begin with.

  • The problem is those blocking extensions are based on timestamps. Those timestamps are added by the users, it’s a crowdsourced thing. But the ads a single user will see differ from what another user will see. It’s likely the length of the ads is different, which makes the whole timestamp thing a no go.

    Along with the timestamp, there needs to be a way to detect where the actual video begins. That way at least an offset can be applied and timestamps maintained, but it would introduce a certain level of error.

    The next issue would be to then advance the video to the place where the actual video begins. This can be very hard, as it would need to include some way of recognizing the right frame in the buffer. One requirement is that the starting frame is actually in the buffer (with ads more than a few seconds, this isn’t guaranteed). The add-on has access to this buffer (depending on the platform, this isn’t guaranteed). And there’s a reliable way to recognize the right frame, given the different encoding en quality setups.

    And this needs to be done cheap, so with as little as infrastructure as possible. A database of timestamps is very small and crowdsourcing those timestamps is relatively easy. But recognizing frames requires more data to be stored and crowdsourcing the right frame is a lot harder than a timestamp. If the infrastructure ends up being complex and big, someone needs to pay for that. I don’t know if donations alone would cut it. So you would need to play ads, which is exactly what you intend on not doing.

    I’m sure the very smart and creative people working on these things will find a way. But it won’t be easy, so I don’t expect a solution very soon.

  • Not no reason. It’s the way she got to power and keeps herself in power. Generate all the bullshit and outrage you possibly can and keep yourself in the news cycle. Then go to your supports and shout: See? I’m pissing off all the libs, I must be doing something right!

    These people might seem dumb, but it’s all planned and calculated. They are the lowest of the lowest and aren’t afraid to turn themselves into a dumb idiot when it suits their needs.

    The only defense we would have was if social media didn’t exist and the actual media would act responsible. The only reason their tricks work is because it keeps them in peoples eye. If we were to ignore these pieces of shit, they wouldn’t get anywhere.

  • As someone who has worked on embedded systems for the past 30 years: It used to be a real big deal, but for the past 10-15 years it hasn’t. We now have fully fledged multi core systems running everything. Even small embedded sensors or actuation controllers are 100+ MHz microcontrollers with oodles of flash and ram.

    Now there has been an interesting turnaround with the whole chip shortage for the past years. All the young folk are at a loss, being used to just putting powerful chips all around willy-nilly. So they turn to the old folk like me to figure out designs with less chips, running busses all over and connecting dumb sensors/actuators to a central processing unit.

  • Plus a lot of young easily swayed folk getting brainwashed on social media.

    We can only hope the idiots don’t use the agreed upon rules to point to the EU and start the Nexit process. You know the one where they just want a non binding poll to check the pulse of the nation. Only to turn a 51% vote into “The people have spoken”.

    Which is kind of a catch phrase for the right anyways. Look the people voted for right parties with huge differences, this must mean the people want what the extreme right wants.