Idk. America is still pretty racist and even more sexist.
Sexist enough that a woman who no one likes won the popular vote in 2016. …
Popular vote dont get you shit here.
She lost the race in swing states where “independents” choose the winner. If she had been “John Clinton,” with every single bit of the politcal baggage and none of the sexist baggage, I guarantee she would have cleared that 80k vote hurdle in those 3 states.
She lost swing states because she decided she didn’t need to campaign there.
Not if her statements and Goldman Sachs relationship were as public as they are. Goldman and Chase are political kryptonite for anyone on the left.
Goldman killed Warren in 2020.
That’s a red herring. The original comment was “America is sexist,” and that’s a statement based on quantities.
So yeah, the popular vote matters here.
Joe would have won that election, let alone Bernie. It would have been a different world today
I remember the conservatives I worked with hated H. Clinton for “wanting to take our guns away.” I told her (it was a white 20 year old girl I was talking to specifically in this group) that whole idea is untrue.
Clinton didn’t lose because of her horrible treatment of Africans, her philosophy that abortion should be a states’ right issue, because she is a woman, etc. She lost because the “Dems want our guns” propaganda. Conservatives are a simple breed.
I think people underestimate how much the Clinton name helped her even when the sexism hurt her. Beyond maybe Michelle Obama now, I can’t think of any other woman out there likely to perform as well as Hilary did. During the race, I heard more than one person make comments along the lines of “If she’s in trouble, she can just call her husband”. She definitely got a lot more points from the Clinton name than she lost for being a woman. It’s a sad world sometimes, yall.
I personally think Bill Clinton’s brother Roger could have won that race even with all his controversies and the fact that he has zero qualifications.
She lost due to her connections.
Her speaking engagements cost her important votes in key states.
If the left wants to win Goldman and Chase are Kryptonite.
It’s a sad but fair point
Did you forget that Hilary Clinton won the popular vote?
The only color that matters is blue. I will never vote a cop for president.
I will vote for freaking Training Day if it keeps Trump out of office.
You do you, but I will write in Jill Stine first. Dems are only my first pick if their pick is viable. Putting up a Cop in the current climate is asking to lose.
Only Republicans can promote LE and expect them to win right now.
You do you, but I will write in Jill Stine first.
Might want to spell her name correctly, then.
Then you’re giving an edge to Trump.
Thanks for nothing.
The Democrats cannot fail us.
It is only us who can fail the Democrats.
Keep pumping unviable candidates it will be 2016 all over again. Clinton couldn’t have won a bake off. Kamala is Clinton with lead weights.
Doing the same thing over and over while expecting a different result is the definition of insanity.
Dems are only my first pick if their pick is viable.
You’re saying here that you either wouldn’t vote, vote independent or vote for Trump.
Which one of these Trump-helping options is it?
I mean what I said. My first pick is dem provided they present a viable candidate.
You want to be a reductionary dick that’s on you and your phil.
So you’ll misspell a write-in vote for an idiotic Russian plant. Sounds like you’re really someone to listen to on this.
Whatever we’re doing, we need to do it fast and commit to it.
RN, Biden is still the best odds at beating Trump by the sheer fact that he’s the incumbent. Why do you think all of the rightmost Dems and the Russian shills are hopping aboard the replacement train? Because they want Trump to win.
Yeah, unfortunately, there’s a calculus here that isn’t entirely clear. The right-wing, the accelerationists, and the Russian shills are all on board with this because they THINK it’s a losing proposition for the Democrats. However, whether it is ACTUALLY a losing proposition is… uncertain.
We live in a fucked-up political era. I think a replacement could go either way. I’m not thrilled about the idea, but we’re rolling the dice either way, so I’m not going to let either outcome change my disposition much. What I know is that I’m voting against fascism this November, and anyone who expresses doubts as to whether THEY’RE voting against fascism are, at best, useful idiots for fascism, and at worst, fascists who are too cowardly to admit it.
I want Biden replaced. Guess I’m a Russian shill? JFC
I mean, in a vacuum, there’s lots of people who I’d like to be running for president as the DNC candidate instead of Biden. However, I’m not advocating for that right now, because I think it would be a tactical mistake.
Edit: on that note, there’s also a whole lot of people who I’d want to run as the GOP candidate instead of Trump as well. One of them is Biden. 😂
Yeah OK, I respect the position that it could be a tactical mistake. But people suggesting that it might not be are not automatically Russian shills. Maybe cool the reactionary rhetoric
Your tactical mistake leads to existential problems for some of us. As a gay man, Trump and the GOP winning this election is threat to my life and the lives of my brothers and sisters. Go ahead and say I’m being alarmist but everyone said the same thing about Roe vs Wade being overturned.
you’re making a very large strawman. Suggesting that a different strategy for the Dems might be more effective is not in any way suggesting that electing Trump is a good idea.
Maybe cool the reactionary rhetoric
You confused the statement with its converse.
“If you are X, then you’ll hop aboard the Biden replacement train”
does not imply
“If you hop aboard the Biden replacement train, then you are X”
Understand? This is a common error and is known as “affirming the consequent”. I never made the statement that you assumed I had.
You were the one who mentioned Russian shills not me
I think you have, again, misunderstood what I’ve been trying to say. I am not inclined to continue trying.
I think the commitment part is going to be a problem this election cycle.
Oh please no. Not more establishment bullshit.
Find somebody young and energetic to bring some fresh ideas and new energy. A young Bernie Sanders type. They will mop the floor with Trump.
We’re getting establishment bullshit no matter what. May as well have establishment bullshit that can beat Trump.
But just passively accepting the establishment bullshit while not even voicing displeasure is a recipe for more and more severe establishment bullshit.
If the billionaire fucks are shoving turds into our throats while calling those smelly turds “brownies,” at least they need to hear us moan. We don’t gotta dignify this bullshit with polite smiles all around.
But just passively accepting the establishment bullshit while not even voicing displeasure
Check my comment history and tell me if that seems like an apt description of my behavior.
Comrade, I got nothing personal against you or your conduct. I just mean to say we need to encourage complaints and suggestions which may seem unrealistic but which still point us in the right spiritual direction so to speak.
Then if you can add some actionable refinement or sharpen the complaints to make them better articulated, so much the better.
On the other hand if you just discourage, even with “good intentions”, you’re blocking the energy.
The status quo candidates just won’t do.
We need a candidate with an affirmative, POSITIVE VISION for America. “The status quo is fine, we’ll just do little tweaks around the edges because we don’t wanna upset our billionaire donors” is NOT a positive vision for America. It just WILL NOT DO.
Simply defeating Trump with just any warm body isn’t good enough.
Our real task is not to defeat Trump, but to BUILD a positive future for us all. Our task is to foster a world we actually want to live in, as opposed to this craptacular capitalist hellscape.
Simply defeating Trump with just any warm body isn’t good enough.
Well, the party isn’t willing to do better and I’d be happy if they put up someone who can beat him. That person isn’t Biden. Of course, I would also like it if the party would stop enabling genocide and move to the fucking left for the first time in fifty goddamned years, but I’ll take what I can get.
A good first step would be for the party to admit they made a mistake. If the party can’t take that first step, they’re never gonna stop interpreting all events as evidence that they need to move to the right.
Begging the party won’t help.
It’s our job to COERCE the party to do our bidding. The party must know if they displease their voters there are meaningful risks and downsides for them. It’s our duty to engineer those meaningful risks and downsides or else the party has every reason to ignore us.
At the moment, we’re dealing with a party that would rather lose than listen. I want to get them to listen.
Find someone you can’t name then.
I’ll throw two names in:
Tim Walz, the governor of Minnesota.
Marianne Williamson.
Williamson is an absolute loon and Walz wants to stay governor.
Disagree on Williamson being a loon.
Is she willing to just abandon her palm-reading business to be president, though? Who will run her shop while she is in Washington?
She doesn’t read palms as far as I know.
I’ve never heard anyone cogently criticizing her on the issues.
What about Jim McDonugal?
Or Frank T. Millerson?
AOC, Michelle Obama, Elizabeth Warren, or Jill Stein.
Kamala Harris is unelectable. She is a black female cop. The left won’t vote for a cop and the right won’t vote for a black woman. Who do you think is in her corner other than DNC mouth pieces? She was a threefer for Biden and that’s it.
Jill Stein???
Id argue the other 3 are optimal choices, but Stein is almost certainly a Russian stooge.