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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023


  • That’s surprising, it seemed like such a bad idea from the get-go, but who knew it would actually turn out that way? I’d say hopefully it can serve as a warning to other countries that might want to leave the EU, but the kind of people that would want to leave in the first place probably aren’t the kind of people to actually consider evidence anyways. I’m sure we’ll see this replay in other EU countries as these far-right, oddly Russian-friendly parties start getting into power and wanting to weaken the EU/NATO.

  • paddirn@lemmy.worldtoTechnology@lemmy.worldAre We in an AI Bubble?
    1 month ago

    It’s cool guys, I asked ChatGPT and it said:

    The term “AI bubble” suggests a speculative frenzy similar to previous bubbles in tech. While there’s certainly a lot of excitement and investment in AI, it’s unlikely to cause an economic crash on its own. However, if promises aren’t met and investments don’t yield expected returns, there could be adjustments in the market. AI’s impact is profound, but its realization takes time and nuanced understanding.

    So we just might see an “adjustment”, no way this is a bubble.

  • It seems like such a weird thing to marry up with internet searching. This method where the algorithms can & will “hallucinate” and just make shit up vs finding very specific information that a person is searching for. Why ever trust these LLMs with facts? These things should’ve only ever been marketed for creative writing and art, not shit like writing legal briefs and school papers and such.

  • I mostly support Biden, but this isn’t really a surprise. For what seems like years now, it’s felt like all the major news outlets have been running stories about a recession being right around the corner. There will be little bright spots here and there, but otherwise it’s been a constant drumbeat perpetually expecting a recession, PLUS you’ve got layoffs and sky-high prices for rents/houses/consumer goods. The “economy” may be doing good, but it still sucks for the majority of commoners who have to actually live in this country.

  • That’s cool, but choosing to do nothing is also a choice and you’ll see worse results under Trump, maybe even American forces helping out in the genocide, complete withdrawal of any Palestinian relief efforts, even more weapons provided without any conditions, and repression of groups here in the US. Saving the Palestinians would be great, but throwing out everything else for their sake when it won’t even make a difference just seems childish. If Trump gets power again, you won’t even have the freedom to worry about the Palestinians anymore, but you’ll still have to live with dead Palestinian children under rubble.

    With Biden, there’s at least attempts at trying to reign in the Israelis. The US has less sway over the Israelis than what many probably think, as we can see with Israel’s/Netanyahu’s flippant attitude towards Biden’s urgings for restraint. Israel specifically started positioning itself to be less reliant on US influence since the 90s. We should still just stop sending them weapons altogether, but at least under Biden there an effort to stop it (as ineffectual as they are). Under Trump, the US will give increased enthusiastic support.

  • The Rifts RPG by Palladium Books had a sourcebook with an insane AI/supercomputer named A.R.C.H.I.E. that survived a nuclear apocalypse. It controlled a robotics factory to build an army of killer robots that it planned to rebuild humanity with. Rifts came out in 1990 (that sourcebook in 1991), about a year/two after this Archie system came out. I wonder if the writer, Kevin Sembieda, took it as inspiration and assumed this search engine would one day morph into an AI? Interestingly, many of the search engines of today seem to be trying to reinvent themselves as AI services, so it may not have been that far off the mark, just don’t give them control of any robots.

  • Fuck that, we should be making it easier and stop favoring one gender over the other in both divorce and child custody. Property/assets should be split based on who actually paid for those assets. If one person pays all or a majority of the mortgage on a property, why do they then have to split that property 50% with somebody who contributed nothing? Marriage is a dying institution that should be put out of its misery.