New Zealander here. I work in IT. Americans seem to get on fine here in the IT sector. NZ is less right wing than the US but you wouldn’t earn as much and housing is expensive
New Zealander here. I work in IT. Americans seem to get on fine here in the IT sector. NZ is less right wing than the US but you wouldn’t earn as much and housing is expensive
Opposing Genocide is not supporting terrorism… You can think Hamas is bad AND Genocide, also. I’m sorry that you find this complex
And thus. Again, piracy seems to be the moral choice
Spotify is a fucking racket
The internet
Reprocessing reduces waste but it does not eliminate it. Its like saying that curb side plastics recycling has solved the microplastics issue
I’m on win10. I use win11 at work and I’m fine with it but there’s no way in hell recall is going on my home machine and equally no way in hell I’m getting a computer just to get win 11. Im fine using Linux. I will definitely do that before put with with this bs
Agreed. They’ve been making shit games with great production values. I think they’d be better making animated films than games
Yeah agree with you about indie games. Still some genuine passion there
Similar thing happened to the games industry as well, I think. Initially it was creative people and engineers who were focused on what they were making. These days the industry is dominated by suits that just want to extract as much cash as possible from players.
It’s especially galling given that the current AI du jour, LLMs, don’t do mutch more than reflect their training data back at us. Which means that if they could answer the problem, it would be because people had already answered the question
I don’t doubt they’ll get faster. What I wonder is whether they’ll ever stop being so inaccurate. I feel like that’s a structural feature of the model.
I think part of the difficulty with these discussions is that people mean all sorts of different things by “AI”. Much of the current usage is that AI = LLMs, which changes the debate quite a lot
You’re entitled to your wrong opinion
The base comment was very broad
LLMs, maybe. Most AI is useful
They used copyrighted works without permission
The western market forced this on them. The US at least
I have a Huawei P30 and it’s fantastic,
Community is and always has been important. The key is and airways has been your ability to effectively curate your community. It is a cesspool if and only if you lack that ability