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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • The religious marriage to rule them all: doom Emacs (or other packages that do similar things). All the excellent text editing of vi/vi/vi/vim, the ecosystem and all the features of emacs.

    For anyone who hasn’t heard of doom Emacs, it’s emacs with a lot of customizations baked into it, one of the biggest selling points is that everything uses vim keybinds now (where it makes sense). You get the amazing ecosystem of emacs with the ease of movement and editing of vim, plus a lot of other QOL features. It’s also just vanilla emacs with pre-made (and easy to edit) config files and helper functions so you can move over existing stuff if you want, and you don’t have to worry since all the emacs packages will still work, since it’s still emacs

  • Ricing came from the term rice-rocket from Japanese car enthusiasts which referred to the mods for their cars (physical mods, paint, stickers, etc). Transformed into rice/ricing eventually just because terms tend to shorten, and eventually jumped to other circles.

    I usually think of a theme as a widely distributed/standardized set of appearances that anyone can load and use while a rice is customized and unique to that person

  • On one hand, yes. On the other hand, you don’t need all the keybinds, just remember the useful ones!

    Want to delete a single word? Esc to enter command mode, d i w to delete the word you’re on, I to begin typing again.
    Everything between two of any char, usually parenthesis or quotes? Same process but d i {char} so something like “what are (you doing senpai)” can be made “what are ()” with just a few very quick keystrokes.
    Delete to end of line? D.
    Copy a whole line? yy (or Y for the rest of the line after cursor). Any time you do dd to delete a full line (or D for the rest of the line, or any other delete action) the contents are also copied so you can paste them again somewhere else.

    Can you do anything with vim that you can’t do with a GUI + moise? Technically no - but with vim you can do things significantly faster. There is an initial learning curve to get used to basic keybinds and the 2 modes, but it’s well worth it, and not using the mouse is intoxicatingly faster and more fun.

    I highly recommend doom emacs over vanilla vim- all the power of emacs, but with vim keybinds and a lot of other QOL features. There isn’t much that isn’t already built into vanilla emacs, much less doom emacs, and even less that can’t be added with some packages that you can install from in the app. Web browser? Eww, and you even can use your vim keybinds in it. Doesn’t render everything great graphics wise, but it’s perfect for looking up documentation if you’re lazy. Email? Built in baby. Git? Magit. Notes? Embrace the one true note format, org files and org-roam. File explorer? Dired right in baby. Terminal? Space + o + {t, T} for a terminal in its own buffer for all your terminal pleasures.

    I also always install neovim as a backup, it was my favorite vim client for a while. It’s useful to be able to use it for basic editing if I’m already trolling around in a terminal such as quick edits to docker-compose files before rerunning them

  • I mean, there isn’t much that can be done for it even with medical advancements. The hormone needed for loosening up the hips and abdomen can’t be concentrated there so it gets everything (back ligaments or whatever are the main one affected as well and is why their backs hurt relatively early in pregnancy, the ligaments are loose so they move more and need more effort to keep in place). Trouble breathing (swollen sinuses) and swollen arms/legs/hands/feet/etc is because the body needs a lot more blood, both for the baby and to prepare for some blood loss and recovery during birth. Nausea from some other fun hormones plus pressure on the stomach. Uncomfortable positioning is just an unfortunate side effect of having a large living being growing very quickly in the middle of the body without much place to put the other organs because of pesky bones.

    Basically everything that happens in a pregnant woman’s body has a useful purpose in some way or area, there’s just no way to contain that effect to the places they need to be. Even weird things that seem like a bad evolutionary trait can be useful, like how newborn necks are super wiggly and fragile, and their heads being squishy. Both are needed so they can fit bend a bit and make it through the pelvis, not really a better way around that since there’s only so far the mothers body can do and still be functional

  • As a new parent… No one tells you (especially if you’re a woman) just how bad pregnancy really is. My wife had a relatively mild pregnancy,: just baby butt in lungs making it hard to breathe, hard kicks in the side that can wake you up, too hot or too cold at the same temperature, absolutely nothing fits right, lots of swelling, nothing fits anymore and everything maternity related is super expensive and you will only wear it for a few months max, boobs hurt, back hurts, headaches, mood swings, nausea, baby kicking her asshole from the inside making it feel like her asshole would fall out, baby hiccups that will wake you up, can’t get comfortable laying down because you can’t back or stomach sleep and both sides have the bump needing support, can’t stay comfortable standing because your back and feet hurt from the weight, can’t get comfortable sitting because leaning back hurts your back and sitting up hurts your stomach/lungs, and every single tendon and ligament gets loose so random things will hurt or not work right.

    We also didn’t get the fun sex-filled second trimester because her antidepressants killed her sex drive, so there were literally no up sides. Had our child 4 days ago, wife is much more comfortable except her boobs hurt all the time and our sleep (and the rest of our time) comes in 30 minute to 3 hour intervals with 5-30 minutes for feeding and diaper changes to separate them. It’s rough.

    We love our new kid and don’t regret having her… but once she is old enough that my wife can handle her for a few days to a week I’ll be getting a vasectomy.