Upvotes seem to just federate as likes and dislikes.
The whole concept of the Fediverse as social media is that all the data is public. Stop acting like these servers are giving out private data. This data has never been private, and it never will be. Data like this being shared with any other server is how ActivityPub and the Fediverse work.
I know, but some people assume votes are private.
If you’d only ever interacted with Lemmy and not read up on how ActivityPub works then that’s a reasonable assumption, it’s not like anything (that I’ve noticed!) actually tells you that your votes are public, and they don’t look to be public in the places you’re likely to see!
Lemmy likes aren’t meant to be public, this is just other software failing to respect the privacy Lemmy indicates.
Oh. If the only thing stopping the votes being public is a label saying pretty please don’t make this public then it does seem very open to abuse.
That’s almost as bad as using robots.txt to claim sites are private and secure and just whining that people/bots should respect it.
You should assume voter data is fully public and fully open. It otherwise is in the federated ecosystem.
The comparison doesn’t work because both Lemmy and Mbin are implementing the same standard, while robots.txt is mostly an honour system.
You should assume voter data is fully public and fully open. It otherwise is in the federated ecosystem.
Information not being private isn’t the same thing as information being public.
Information not being private isn’t the same thing as information being public.
I’m not sure that is a realistic expectation these days.
idk, the label is also an honor system, if it can be just ignored like robots.txt.
I didn’t explain what I meant very well. To scrape a website you don’t need to understand robots.txt, implementing robots.txt is something you do to be a good netizen. But to get like info from Lemmy, implementing ActivityPub is a requirement.
Now I’ll admit, it’s not a great system and I do wish we had something better, but I also don’t think “this isn’t a good way to communicate preferences” is a good reason to ignore them.
Except ActivityPub data is by in large already not private, it is handed out to any tom dick and harry who run a server and have subscribed to actors on this one, and most of the time, it doesn’t even really require extra authorization. That is fundamentally how ActivityPub and federation work, but you can’t have any expectation of privacy in this system when it comes to the content shared. Expecting it to be private because it’s labeled is as dumb as expecting your website not to get scraped because you said so in robots.txt.
I didn’t say it was private, I said it wasn’t public, there’s a difference. If you asked me what number I was thinking of I’d tell you, but that’s not the same thing as the number I’m thinking of being public information. ActivityPub is, at its core, about consent. We have consented to having our data be sent to any person able to serve 200 responses on an inbox endpoint by using instances with open federation. We could, if that makes us uncomfortable, moved to a closed federation system where we only accept request from an allowlisted set of instances, with software that follows the spec’s public addressing system.
It’s not good practice. Really one shouldn’t be assuming anything is private or some entitlement to privacy on a service where all content you post is made publicly available to any and all linked instances. They miss the point of a federated public forum. If one wants privacy, data must be kept locally only. That’s why Lemmy has local-only communities, the “private” community aspect that many people want just won’t be federated, because you can’t make something like this private otherwise.
I know, but most people don’t.
Yes, after all other servers need this information in order to prevent double voting, you can’t just have servers sending each other information “somebody upvoted this” and also tell when servers are allowing users to vote more than once.
So upvotes and downvotes aren’t actually private, never have been, some servers may display them publicly even if most don’t.
The server hosting the post needs it.
It only needs to tell other servers the vote count, and the votes of people on that other server.
That may not be how it actually works, but that’s all that’s neededYes, but then you can have malicious servers sending fake numbers without other server operators being able to check whether this is at all plausible.
(It’s still possible for malicious servers to send fake votes, but server operators can see which users they are stated to originate from, then block that server if that looks like it’s doing that. At least that is my understanding.)
What do you mean “send fake votes”?
Or rather, who do you think should be responsible for identifying and blocking fraudulent votes?And how do you reconcile votes that come from servers that you’ve defederated with? Should everyone have the same view of the post, or should people only see votes from servers that their server is federated with? What about votes from users you’ve personally blocked? Etc
I personally kinda think that the responsibility is on the server hosting the post, and that everyone should see the same (but anonymous) vote count, of which the hosting server is the single source of truth.
A malicious hosting server could use fake points to blast any message to the top of everyone’s feeds until manually banned or defederated
Yes, that’s happened before. They were sending a very large number of votes, so it was immediately obvious. Even a couple dozen from an unknown instance will be noticed, when an admin sees it and says “huh I haven’t heard of that instance” and when they look there’s nothing there.
I’m not sure how giving every server access to the votes solves that.
The malicious server can make fake users to pump up votes. your server admin has to notice, then check the vote logs, then see what’s happening and defederate them. That’s pretty much what you described in your scenario, anyways.It’s way easier to notice and defed when you can see these fake usernames
Hashing exists for this use case
Hashing alone if it’s just usernames isn’t enough. Need something like keyed hashes, but then malicious servers can lie about numbers of votes.
Otherwise you need something ridiculously overengineered like public but encrypted logs of user actions and Zero-knowledge proofs of correctness mapping everything to a distinct existing user without revealing who it is.
As I mentioned in another post: for consistency is better to have each server count total votes from their own users, send a signed & timestamped message with the count to the host of the post being voted on. Then the host can display a consistent vote count to everybody that shows where votes are coming from without manipulation of external votes.
Each individual server can lie about its count, but not by too much or else it will be detected and the server can get defederated (or have its votes ignored).
but then malicious servers can lie about numbers of votes.
They already can do that by pretending to have users they don’t have. It’s definitely a quick way to get defederated.
And it wouldn’t be caught quickly or maybe even ever if they opted to use hashes instead of just showing who voted and when.
There are plenty of ways to handle double voting without plaintext user strings. The fact that it’s done this way is just lazy and poor design and doesn’t actually do anything to prevent a rogue instance from vote spamming with fake users.
Or you can be an instance admin. Iirc In the next lemmy version (1.0.0), mods will also be able to view votes in their communities.
mods will also be able to view votes in their communities.
You can already do this using tesseract, by the way (not tesseract.dubvee.org, strangely?)
On t.lemmy.dbzer0.com i can see both upvotes and downvotes (for all my modded comms):
I guess the feature was already merged in one of the past Lemmy versions then?
I think it’s been implemented this whole time, but it’s just that the default lemmy-ui doesn’t show it
This isn’t just a Frendica thing; you can see this from Mastodon, mbin/kbin, etc. Many people seem to think upvotes and downvotes are private, but the reality is that they’re publicly available information by default in ActivityPub. Lemmy just hides the information on the front-end for “normal” users; If you’re a moderator you can clearly see everything.
If one wants truly pseudonymous voting, they’re free to try out PieFed. See the announcement post for this feature for more details.
There’s no way that isn’t going to be abused. Some marketing or tracking agency will setup a fediverse server and just collect all data like this for free. Or worse, take advantage of a friendica instance to bombard it with requests for data collection purposes.
Well yes, the whole concept of the fediverse is that of social media as a public service. All activitypub data is public.
So you’re agreeing with me that it will be abused.
Not them but yes but it’s not a feature of the system, it’s a failure of the humans.
What is it that you mean by that? Do you mind rephrasing your reply?
Tools do not have morality or ethics, only people do. Some people use tools in a morally and/or ethically questionable manner, either for profit or because it amuses them.
It’s the age old argument of “It’s not Communism that’s bad, it’s the human element.”
Speaking as if any system created by humans will ever be free of the human element, which is of course faulty logic.
The downvote button is not an ‘I don’t like this’ button, trogs. Read the rules.
, which is of course faulty logic
…which is why design systems so that when using them we can account for the human element, right? Come on! We have centuries-spanning systems even industries built on that! Engineering, avionics, Yelp reviews…
This feature has been available to all kbin/Mbin users since the beginning, btw.
I wanna say it was built into Lemmy originally as well but they removed it from the FE
It’s in lemmy but only available to instance admins
Yes, but as long as you don’t reveal your identity, they can’t do much to track you.
They don’t have access to your IP.
Of course, it you’re using the same username over multiple services, or reveal identifying information (which is much easier to analyse now due to AI) they will be able to track you.
My name is actually Ricky Rigatoni and I am King of the Brooklyn Mafia.
Is IP not logged anywhere in Lemmy/ ActivityPub?
Nope just server
If image embeds aren’t cached by your server they can be abused to gain IP, but that’s a hack, it’s not intended.
You can set a Lemmy server to proxy image requests
Exactly, that’s why I said for ones that aren’t cached. They can be cached, but it’s not a guarantee they will be.
Proxying is a separate option from caching. I think it was added in 0.19.5
I think server admins can access. It makes sense moderation wise, if for keeping a tab on alts for enforcing permabans.
What can they use that data for?
It would only be usable data if they could show personalized ads to the users. They can’t.
All they know is that Meldrik up/downvoted this and that, but outside of Lemmy they have no idea who Meldrik is.
If you think metadata is worthless, I would like to make you aware about Snowden and his revelations. Look them up.
This is nothing new. Fire up any ActivityPub server and you can see everything over the wire. As a Lemmy admin of my server of just me, I can also see it in the UI.
Wouldn’t you be able to see it by
ing the outboxes?
Petty mods or users would abuse this
It’s already possible to see if you really want to look. Friendica is just another way.
Mods can already see voting data, at least through the API on the latest version of Lemmy.
How can I see this in the community I mod?
You can use the Tesseract Lemmy frontend to view votes in your communities. However it will only work on instances on version 0.19.8 or greater, so if your mod accounts are on an instance like that it won’t give you the option or let you see them.
I’m not sure about the downvotes part (i failed to recreate this lmao) but you can already view upvotes with mbin. Piefed solves this problem with a option to make your votes private but only with untrusted instances (but from my tests it didn’t work? weird)
IIRC, piefed’s private votes are disabled for “trusted” instances. You can see which instances are trusted here.
Ah, well that sucks :( i thought it just used a different strategy to do so if it was trusted, not outright disable it.
Will correct it, thanks
Damn, so this is how I find out we’re least trustworthy part of the commonwealth.
Who cares? If your upvote or downvote or any other activity you deliberately perform on a public platform is something you’re embarrassed about and wouldn’t be willing to do in a face to face engagement you probably shouldn’t be doing it.
I agree, and if you absolutely must, then maybe make an alt?
The main problem is most people assume their votes are private, as they are private on reddit.
I was thinking that it would make sense to federate upvotes, but with the hash of your username instead of your actual handle. Would this work?
How long until it gets abused, and trolls start brigading though instances that hide their votes?
Nothing stops defederation, though.
That creates an incentive for trolls to create accounts at the popular instances using this mechanism in order to destroy their reputation.
But they can just be banned from those instances?
How would that work? How would an admin separate downvotes from brigaders and legitimate users who happen to downvote a comment?
Banning trolls would be doable - they’d have patterns where they target specific users across many different communities. If the same user downvotes everything I’ve ever said, from controversial political takes to pictures of food to posts about gardening, that’s probably a malicious user.
But “brigading” doesn’t mean anything and I don’t respect the concept. You can’t ban it because you can’t define it in a way that doesn’t include normal usage of the site.
There are some instances that disable downvotes altogether!
Oof, hell no. That’s some Facebook level cancer right there when they removed downvotes.
It’s just a form of white washing that makes the same people who made up being offended by “black lists” and “master branch”.
Edit: Y’all do realize the irony of exercising your ability to downvote a comment that is defending your ability to downvote?
Some people seem to really hate down votes. I don’t give a shit either way.