“I’m knittin’ like a fuckin electric nan”

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: January 15th, 2022


  • I understand what you’re saying, I just don’t understand you. What strawman? I’m assuming that you’re happy in the center because that’s kind of how you’re talking. If you’re not happy in the center then ok. You and me consistently voting for centrists is not going to pull the democrats left.

    The money (and the swing voter, apparently) is happiest with center-right policies, and if we vote “blue no matter who” that’s all we’ll get. So if the center (and the money) decide the elections, how will things ever move left? The minute some future dems start going left, they’ll lose the center, and with it the election.

    There’s no way out of that dynamic without a lot of new voters to ensure victory for left policies, which I’m saying, dems are unlikely to attract with their center-right candidates and policy. Is this a chicken and the egg problem? Maybe, but it also seems like a lot of people are perfectly happy the way it is.

  • Goddam. I am saying the fantasy is that this system of winning elections by fighting over the center doesn’t really lead anywhere good. You talked about how the dems haven’t had solid power for decades. So yes, they “win” elections sometimes, but then what? They haven’t won enough to get much done. The fantasy is that they ever will. Blame whoever you want for that, but it is what it is. I might blame the people who do politics professionally for not being good enough at it. You like to think that I don’t vote, but I have never said that, so you are just assuming.

    You have this garbage system, and yet you totally write off disengaged voters as totally unworthy of any political attention. Don’t you think that just maybe, it is possible that a lot of people look at a system that just seems like bullshit to make rich richer and otherwise cause misery, and they just don’t see the point?