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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 22nd, 2023


  • corralling student attention in the hands of the parents

    What does this mean?

    Also, I don’t necessarily disagree with what you’re saying ; the people in control of schools across the U.S. should be ashamed of themselves. However it is the responsibility of the parents to not just shove their kids in front of a screen because they’re too busy for them.

    Teachers have it hard enough as it is, I have nothing to say on that front. I would never have the patience to go through what teachers go through, period.

  • There it is again, reading comprehension is a dying concept I swear to god.

    In no way did I suggest Floyd should have been killed. I pointed out that the person people rioted over was a genuinely bad person. Anyone who threatens to kill a pregnant woman at gun point is a bad person. Period, I don’t care how hard their lives might have been or what led to that point, that is not a man you should make into a martyr.

    I absolutely think that who you’re fighting for matters. Yes, conservatives will spin things however they can. That doesn’t change the fact that the same reactionaries responsible for the riots as a result of George Floyd’s murder were completely unaware of something worse that happened. I remember seeing Breonna Taylor’s murder pop up in my feed within a few days if it happening. It’s not like they didn’t have the same tools to see exactly what I did, and yet the dumb motherfuckers did nothing for two months.

    Now there’s the added bonus of the irrefutable fact that George Floyd was a bad person. When you give conservatives something real to use as ammunition it only bolsters their ability to twist the truth and push their racist agenda.

    You can be mad at me all you want, I’m right. Was what happened to both of them a perfect display of the festering cancer within police forces across the United States? Not only that, but a display of how wrong minorities are treated by those forces? Absolutely, as I’ve never once stated or believed that Floyd should have been murdered.

    He’s just not a man worth fighting for.

  • TL;DR: BLACK LIVES MATTER and the people who rioted after George Floyd’s murder have set civil rights back by decades. Reactionary politics are cancer.

    This is what happens when you prop up a career criminal as a martyr.

    George Floyd was a bad man. Is anyone actually surprised that nothing good came from the riots following his death?

    Breonna Taylor’s murder comes to mind. That woman was an innocent and upstanding member of society. She was a fucking EMT and the reaction to her being murdered by cops blindfiring through her window after a no-knock breach was fucking mute compared to the rabidity that people showed after George Floyd was murdered. This was two and a half months before Floyd’s murder.

    Where were the riots following her death? Oh, right, it didn’t happen for another two fucking months because it was largely unnoticed outside of Louisiana until CNN released s story about it. Even then they weren’t as bad as what happened after Floyd’s death.

    The wild disparity between the two events can be summed up quite simply - Floyd’s murder was recorded and shown immediately, Breonna’s murder was not.

    Reactionary politics are cancerous. Of course things have only gotten worse - the idiots responsible for the riots provided conservatives with all the talking points they needed to make the other side look fucking rabid.

    That’s not even mentioning the bad actors who jumped on the event to cause havoc. Yes I’m talking about the white people dressed all in black throwing molotovs and chanting “black lives matter”.

    I don’t even know why I’m writing this, I guarantee I’ll get responses that completely ignore the points I’m making and cherrypick. Let’s see.

    Edit: what a surprise, reactionaries reacting. Crazy.