What was that one time when a song came on at exactly the right moment to match what was happening around you or to you just then?

  • Rhynoplaz@lemmy.world
    19 days ago

    I don’t know if this was planned or a coincidence.

    Last week the radio DJ thought of a fun little game to play. He was thinking about all his old rock band t shirts and came up with “I went to bed in my Led Zeppelin shirt, but I woke up in Kashmir.”

    The game is to change the band, and use one of their songs for what you woke up in. The more sense it makes, or the funnier it is gets you bonus points.

    So, for the rest of my drive, I’m sitting in my car thinking up my own, like wearing my Red Hot Chili Peppers shirt to bed and waking up Under the Bridge.

    Before I get to work, the radio plays The Cars: My Best Friend’s Girl. I don’t know if the DJ picked it on purpose, or they just run an automated playlist, but I thought it was one of the best answers yet!