I have a lap cat so I get lots of cat-in-lap time 🐱
I have 2 lap cats who will fight each other over who gets to sit on my lap.
And I live in a house from which my lap cats and I can take a walk into the woods and onto a beautiful apple orchard on a private path without meeting anyone else. But it’s also within 10 minutes bicycling distance to the center of a beautiful historic city, which is an international tourist attraction (Heidelberg).
I pay 500€ rent per month for the house, an acre of land, a 3-storey barn, a shed that fits 10 bicycles and my workshop, and a small log cabin.A really good mattress is a gift that keeps on giving
2 gbps symmetrical fiber optic internet
I can afford to buy groceries from the expensive supermarket!
Hint: they’re all expensive 😉
I get to work from home every day, and so does my wife.
We each have our office space so we can work in peace but at any point in the day we can just have a chat, we can have lunch together, we can have our evening planned and be out of the door at 5pmIt’s just all so much better than the old office-based life
Nothing about that is absurd
When washing my hands, I use an electric soap dispenser.
Washing my hands, I use a $1 bottle of dollar store soap, feels pretty luxurious (I’m a broke university student and my codormatory had no soap before I bought it don’t judge).
Love muh tea muhself
About once every 3-4 months I take a 4hr hot bath with, phone in a waterproof sandwich-bag, bluetooth speakers, tunes, Epsom salts, and reading material.
It’s excellent self-care. (No, the water doesn’t go cold, I let out half the water and top it up with more hot, when needed).
Highly recommended.
Air conditioning, indoor and safe plumbing/water supply, Internet to name a few
Growing up in the Midwest of America I took AC for granted. Pretty much every home and shop had AC, and if it didn’t there were at least window units. Moving to the Pacific Northwest with a more mild climate almost no one had AC, and it’s just normal not to have it.
Until the heatwave a few years ago that melted power lines I didn’t care, but I realized it was a safety issue and had a heat pump installed. That’s when I realized it’s a luxury. Almost $10,000 to get it integrated with my existing HVAC.
It’s wild, it’s definitely a luxury that most people just assume is normal. You have to go somewhere that doesn’t have it to truly appreciate what it does and how much it costs.