Web Developer by day, and aspiring Swift developer at night.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • Oh man. Trump plans on going full dictator if given the chance.

    A military tribunal or commission is most usually used to refer to a court that asserts jurisdiction over persons who are members of an enemy army, are held in military custody, and are accused of a violation of the laws of war…. Military tribunals also, generally speaking, do not assert jurisdiction over people who are acknowledged to be civilians who are alleged to have broken civil or criminal laws. However, military tribunals are sometimes used to try individuals not affiliated with a particular state’s military who are nonetheless accused of being combatants and acting in violation of the laws of war. Source

  • I’m probably going to get a lot of hate for this, and I do recognize there have been problems with it all over the place (my code too), but I like null. I don’t like how it fucks everything up. But from a data standpoint, how else are you going to treat uninitialized data, or data with no value? Some people might initialize an empty string, but to me that’s a valid value in some cases. Same for using -1 or zero for numbers. There are cases where those values are valid. It’s like using 1 for true, and zero for false.

    Whomever came up with the null coalescing operator (??) and optional chaining (?->) are making strides with handling null more elegantly.

    I’m more curious why JavaScript has both null and undefined, and of course NaN. Now THAT is fucked up. Make it make sense.

  • dohpaz42@lemmy.worldtoProgrammer Humor@lemmy.mlWorst is UTC vs GMT
    7 days ago

    You obviously don’t suffer from a sensitive circadian rhythm. To that I’d say, lucky you. But there are plenty of people who do suffer. And by the time they finally get used to the time change, it’s time to change again. It’s vicious and disruptive; to more than just scheduling. It has a direct (negative) impact on physical and mental health.