Not shown: The top 0.05% - “Use whichever distro you’re satisfied with. The different distributions exist to offer choice, not to compete.”
Seriously… At SCaLE this year I saw people from various distro booths taking breaks and visiting other distro booths. Each time they looked genuinely interested and excited about what the other distro was doing.
Seriously: this non-competitive behavior in the FOSS community is soo fucking refreshing!
Almost like humans find cooperation is healthier than competition on the whole…
FOSS til i die, please.
“Don’t compete! — competition is always injurious to the species, and you have plenty of resources to avoid it!” -Pjotr Kropotkin
Based and breadpilled.
My God I love Lemmy. Finding a Kropotkin quote in the wild? Outside of an anarchists sub? Without specifically searching for it?
It makes me feel less alone. Thank you.
Glad to be able to quote it and receive so much positive feedback :)
I kinda feel like there’s very little overlap between distro fans and distro developers. Probably because distro devs tend to know all the dirty secrets of their distro.
You go on Reddit or wherever and it’s all “distro X is evil, use distro Y instead,” “No, Y is terrible! Use Z!” And then you sit at a table with a SuSE developer, a Fedora developer and an Ubuntu developer and the conversation is all “so how are you guys dealing with this issue?” “Oh, I think we came up with a great solution, I’ll share the patch set with you!” “Wonderful, thanks! By the way I opened up a merge request on your stuff because we figured out how to fix that namespaces issue.”
Capitalism thrives on exclusivity, teaching people that others doing the same thing is competition and not friendship.
Read this and your brain might get a new wrinkle: it’s possible to appreciate multiple distributions for their own merits.
Why didn’t you just paste a picture in the comment?
That’s more faster
Copy-pasting the image will upload it to the lemmy instance, taking up storage space. You should instead embed externally hosted images using the following markdown expression:

Yes, this way you reduce the load on your instance, but I often see image hosting deleting images and I get scared when I see an imgur link because it often blocks image viewing for me
This is what happens when I copypaste the same image
I’m using memmy, and I dont see an obvious way to do that.
Furthermore I cant even expand your thumbnail.
That said my phone has been glitching like crazy so idk
Well, I’m still in the noob stage and i intend to stay there. My OS is just a means to an end and Mint is perfect for that.
That’s fine. Most people aren’t “Windows pros” either.
My windows have arches, BTW.
Saaaame. Been using Mint almost exclusively for 5-10 yrs and i still feel like im playing in the wading pool of what u can do with it. I learn more as I need to, and generally enjoy that process. I always feel super satisfied with myself when i use the terminal, even if its sudo apt-get install Firefox.
Whenever I need to do something, I’ll figure it out. Sometimes it’s a pain, like getting VNC to work. But then I’ll write down the most important bits and duly forget the rest. I just want this stuff to work.
I see more posts complaining about annoying arch users than I actually see annoying arch users
That being said, hell yeah mint
Arch user here. Mint is cool. Go mint!
Of course Mint is cool. If it wasn’t it’d be Spice.
Cinnamon hearts DE is pretty spicy. Perfect counterpart to Spearmint OS.
I wish mint + AUR was a thing
Pacstall is AUR for Ubuntu (so UUR?) based distributions. It is certainly less complete than AUR, but still it might be useful depending on your needs.
I’d rather trust an Ubuntu community repo than the snap store. At least, for pacstall, the community is able to review the package.
Since the snap store is the default store on Ubuntu , there is more chance that he will be targeted by malicious software than a community repo than has to be manually installed.
Manjaro user here, they’re both cool
Linux Mint has been good so far, but Debian is still the one I’m going to use mainly.
Hell yeah Linux Mint Debian Edition
At that point, what are you using Mint for? The Cinammon DE?
IMHO, KDE feels much more modern, while Cinammon kind of feels like it’s stuck in 2003. It reminds me of the stock gray boxy Windows 9x/NT/2000 interface.
I love cinnamon it’s the main reason I use mint I tried debian with mint but the theming was ugly but the cinnamon on mint mmm beautiful I find it very comfortable and familiar like all the good parts of windows 7 just with a tad bit more modern design
I think Cinnamon is version 6 on Mint while Debian is stuck on a v5 build.
I stuck an Arc theme on it and that modernized it a lot.
To me, Cinnamon sits somewhere between the extremes of Gnome and KDE.
Gnome is an Android launcher with a concussion. Every major update is a list of things it can’t do anymore. Hopefully by Gnome 52 the system won’t even POST let alone boot. Every utility is a blank window with an empty menu up in the top bar that does as little of its job as it can, apparently in service to some “blank is beautiful” aesthetic.
KDE feels like the control panel of a nuclear power plant, LOADS of crap everywhere. Widgets and wodgets and panels and sidebars where does it end? Every utility is an incorrectly sized window completely crammed full of drop downs, radio buttons and text fields with several tabs and sub-menus with lots of options, because what if esoteric use case?
Cinnamon is a middle ground in between; they have a “most users, most of the time” approach so that UIs are understandable and digestible, and usually let you do what you want to do, without being uselessly blank or obsessively crowded.
Cinnamon doesn’t need therapy, Gnome and KDE do.
Guy on the right will use Debian stable, rest is correct.
hell yeah debian
Hell yeah LMDE