There is actually a way to sideload apps without internet. I did it once and forgot the details
There is actually a way to sideload apps without internet. I did it once and forgot the details
Russian President Musk
I got their voice widget, its slow and stupid.
Need to figure out how to connect it to a gpu
Basic Florida Man
Confirmed, am moron.
Looking at you, Texas Instruments
In the US, a jury can choose to ignore the facts, and they can not be punished for it.
The unbelievable part is that THEY would bother using actual flying drones to manufacture an emergency. Deepfake videos and bot armies to spread them are too easy.
Why doesnt everyone switch from Windows???
Obvious troll is obvious
It is what it is
Same argument about wasting 44 billion to buy twitter.
A useless website exchanged hands.
Someone still has the money, why dont they spend it on the poor?
Cars put horses out of business but the economy adapted
Can fucking stupid come full circle all the wayback to brilliant?
Um, nooooooo dont own teh libs so hard!!!
Not at all, its slightly more convenient.
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