Ssssshhhhhh!!! We’re having a circlejerk here!
Mostly harmless
Ssssshhhhhh!!! We’re having a circlejerk here!
If you strip out all the data mining, chromium is a fine browser engine.
You spelled Putin wrong.
I guess he’s finally lost it completely.
Absolutely Donny’s kind of guy. But surely he did it out of the goodness of his heart and isn’t expecting any kind of payback
I suggest Insane Clown International
I name all my turds Donald before flushing.
I’m sure he’ll be thrilled.
You can pray all you want. They will alter the deal. Enshittification never stops.
If there were any reasonable Republicans, they could get stuff done simply by making deals with the Democrats. The fact that this isn’t happening shows that there are no reasonable Republicans.
It’s not like you’ll ever run out of stuff to play on Linux.
Whenever I need to do something, I’ll figure it out. Sometimes it’s a pain, like getting VNC to work. But then I’ll write down the most important bits and duly forget the rest. I just want this stuff to work.
Every accusation is a confession, as per standard procedure.
Our Lord and Saviour, Linus Torvalds, has risen to deliver us from the evil of closed source OSs. Praise be!
Well, I’m still in the noob stage and i intend to stay there. My OS is just a means to an end and Mint is perfect for that.
I changed the font sizes in Cinnamon, so i can totally relate.
I would never have considered gaming on Linux until the Steam Deck came out. When reviews said it’s actually awesome, I became convinced to try it. Basically, the deck pushed me over the edge to ditch Windows altogether. So suck on that, Satya! No wonder MS is trying so hard to stop other OEMs from making Linux handhelds.
If the fascist insurgency wins, they can plunder all they want. At this point, that’s the only way they can survive.
Yes, mine has one of those. I tried to set up the WiFi with that but that just drove me nuts.
Won’t anybody think of the poor shareholders?