Or is it that the victims pest warning system is currently winning the biological arms race, in which case how are mosquitoes able to successfully reproduce? Or is it that mosquitoes have evolved such that their spawning numbers offset the difficulty they have biting?
Biology is hard.
Mosquitoes are not a big problem for me, and their bites do not make me itch.
My kid, however… mosquitoes just swarm him, and the poor thing swells up when he’s bitten.
I’ve noticed that too. When out with friends, some people get bitten more than their fair share.
It’s genetics. We produce some oil or something that mosquitos smell. And some people produce more then others.
Basically bad luck.
I have hypohidrosis, so that might affect it?
It depends on blood type. They prefer O’s and +’s
O+ here and I am the magnet.
Shove 500-1000 mg of vitamin B-2 down the kids throat every day. In less than a week, they’ll stop getting bitten at all.