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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • I’m not going to say they’re not real or not sentient. But I will absolutely say that they are selfish. They lack the empathy required to understand how things will affect others. They lack the willingness to sacrifice for the greater good. They lack the humility required to understand that they could be wrong, and the critical reasoning required to change their views in the face of new evidence.

    Almost every conservative I’ve ever met is either extremely rich or lives in microcosm. Hell, I’ve got extended family that have never travelled outside of their hometown and anything foreign or different to them is either ridiculed or shunned.

    They want a social hierarchy, and they want their place in it preserved. God forbid people get equitable standing.

  • “Limitations foster creativity.”

    100% agree. But there’s no reason to limit innovation because some people can’t take advantage of it. Just like we shouldn’t force people to have to consistently upgrade just to have access to something, however there should be a limit to this. 20 years of tech changes is huge. You could get 2 Gb of Ram in a computer on most home computers back in the early-mid 2000’s…that’s two decades ago.

    I’m still gaming on my desktop that I built 10 years ago quite comfortably.

  • “The court’s three liberal justices dissented from Wednesday’s order. Justices Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan indicated only that they would have denied the requests to put the federal court’s ruling on hold. Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson dissented, explaining that in her view it is too early for Purcell to apply and there was no reason for the Supreme Court to intervene at this stage.”

    No, they dissented due to, in their argument, a principle that they believe should not be used in this decision. They believe that this case should not have been decided by the Supreme Court and instead let the lower courts decision stay, that there was no reason for them to get them involved.

    So, back to your main statement, do the “Dems” still want to change things up? Or was your statement perhaps a bit antagonistic and meant to rile up the next moron that lacks the ability to read and properly comprehend a news article?

  • And what happens if they lose the reelection? What do you think happens? Wonderful, you get to pat yourself on the back for being so morally righteous that you helped usher in Project 2025 and the end of American Democracy. You get to tell everyone that maybe if they just listened to you then this would have never happened. Sound like success, don’t it? I can’t imagine how terrifying a Dictator controlling the world’s strongest military would be, especially if they push through Christian Rule, like they’ve always wanted to do.

    Instead of trying to get your Senators and Representatives to put pressure on Washington, you’d rather just threaten to destroy the whole system if you don’t get your way. I “waste my time” so that other people might see how asinine this whole temper tantrum people like you are throwing. I fucking hate that the Gazan people are being murdered, raped, tortured, bombed, starved, and humiliated by the hands of the IDF, but I’m not going to burn my house down to protest it. There’s other ways to try and get Washington to help stop this, and destroying our way of life is not it.

  • Yes yes, let’s not vote Biden, Trump would be a much better option to stop all of those genocides. ~ Says fucking no one…

    Trump is friends with all of the dictators. If you want to actually make a fucking difference then protest and write to your local politicians to put pressure on Washington. You trying to push this pathetic “don’t vote for genocide” bullshit is going to do nothing but it worse. Moral superiority doesn’t mean shit if you fucking burn everything down because you can’t make a big boy decision. An American Dictatorship will do nothing but make the world a darker place, and it seems you and the rest of the rest of these “don’t vote Biden” chucklefucks are doing your damnedest to bring thst about…which in turn only makes me think that you aren’t American.