Critics say those efforts, however well intentioned, have had little impact on Beijing. But Blinken pushes back, citing the lectures he gets from Wang Yi, China’s foreign minister, as proof of success.
“The last time I saw him, in Laos, he accused me half-jokingly, half-seriously of being on an encirclement tour, because I was going to Laos, Japan, the Philippines, Singapore and Mongolia on that trip,” he says.
Some critics describe the efforts as “zombie diplomacy” and say engaging with China is futile, but he says the US has a “responsibility” to talk to Beijing despite big differences.
The level of delusion it takes to contradict yourself so openly and consistently. You have a responsibility of “talking” things out with the Chinese but you are openly admitting to “encirclement tours” and consider that to be proof of success?
Also, I have never seen an article exude more “journalists are failed novelists” vibe than I have in this article.
It sure is zombie diplomacy but not in the sense the author is using it
Sipping wine while casually bragging how, as the head of diplomacy of the biggest superpower, he brought the world closer to nuclear annihilation, while simultaneously enabling the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people all over the globe.
Guillotines are too kind for these scum.
What a fucking ghoul
Sorry, couldn’t get through that slop. it’s exactly how i imagined, ghoul giving himself flowers and repeating the same propaganda msm does.
It’s an incredible read honestly, makes it crystal clear that the US is utterly incapable of doing anything resembling diplomacy at this point.
In his 2021 Senate confirmation hearing, he said China was committing “genocide” against the Uyghurs. Could the same conclusion not be drawn for the tens of thousands of innocent civilians in Gaza? Blinken simply says “No”.
At least he’s consistent…ly lying.
Always has been, the man is a cold blooded reptile.
The man is a racisr Victorian era colonizer in the 21st century. He is also a massively delusional, but faces little consequence because he is at the helm of the biggest empire that’s ever existed. With slightly less impunity and more meager resources, his career would have ended long ago. Essentially, he is what Frank Grimes accused Homer Simpson of in that regard.
check out the comments on this one, I was pretty surprised
I stopped reading at this one
well of course, but there were surprisingly high voted comments criticising blinken quite strongly
it is the financial times after all comrade, I don’t look to those comments to give me what I find here
edit: if you’ll notice on the 8bn for israel article comments are turned off (in the FT) lmaooo