☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆

  • 326 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: March 30th, 2020


  • Completely agree, and I think there’s a broader point here that any serious political change is a long and complex process that will have many setbacks. One of the traps people fall into is thinking that change can be accomplished via single action like a protest, a strike, or an election. Lack of realization that it’s going to be a struggle and that people need to commit to this struggle for a long term vision is how movements fall apart.

    One of the best recent examples of this was the whole Bernie movement in US. He managed to organize and motivate millions of young people across the country, but all that was focused on winning an election without any broader vision. Once he was shuffled off in favor of Biden the whole thing fizzled overnight. This illustrates why a politically literate and principled vanguard is so important.