Pronouns he/him
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Country Union of Turtle Island Socialist Republics
  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 27th, 2023


  • Besides technological superiority, the other 4 key aspects of power when it comes to geopolitics are: military, economic, political and cultural. Let’s have a quick look at each of these for the EU.

    And energy, technologically but also in terms of having significant amounts of indigenous carbon energy to bridge the gap from today to carbon neutrality. They’re moving industrial capacity to the US and elsewhere right now because the US cut off their cheap supply. Europe is the real loser in this war so far.

    Europe is also royally fucked by the neoliberalism that was baked into the Eurozone from the start, where countries are not (normally) allowed to debt-spend over 3%. The Eurozone is run by the cartel of private banks, so I don’t see how Europeans are going to shake finance capitalism out of the system. I think a given country can only save itself by Eurexiting the Zone and repatriating monetary sovereignty.

    France made a joint statement with China about the genocide this week, which I thought was notable. Maybe instead of seeking staunch European independence, some or all of the countries can pursue belts and roads with China to replace Uncle Sam.

    Edit to add:

    Europe also seems to be losing its imperial holdings, and AFAICT it seems likely to continue. Over time the US is likely to more & more see European countries not as junior partners in imperialism but as just more peripheral states to be plundered (though the US seems likely to continue shedding Global South holdings over time as well). Eventually European countries may find themselves better served by joining the Global South in partnership rather than subjugation, like Russia after their overtures were rebuffed by NATO. Who knows how long it will take and how much suffering Europeans will endure before they can swallow their chauvinism and do the needful.