• neatchee@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    You obviously don’t understand the concept of bodily autonomy. Parental obligation is not the same as losing bodily autonomy. A parent is not required to give up a kidney or liver for their child. Accountability for a child’s behavior is not the same thing as losing bodily autonomy.

    It’s no different than if you agree to a blood donor and decide in the middle of donation that you want to stop. They cannot force you to continue, even if someone’s life depends on it. The fetus’ bodily autonomy comes in the form of not having its organs harvested, and being allowed to survive outside the woman’s body if it can. There is no form of autonomy that involves another person. That is literally antithetical to the definition of autonomy

    You are wrong, flat out, and I encourage you to learn more about ethics before making such patently erroneous statements