Are we back a little too late? Maybe we’re just on time with the US general election around the corner? Who knows! But we’re back. Please check out the new sidebar. The community is no longer locked to moderators-only.
I’m surprised it ever had to close.
thanks, I’m going to need this to get through the next decades
What happened? Why was it locked?
The previous mod was unhappy that admins didn’t ban anyone who disagreed their opinion, which was that rape equals murder. Apparently if you don’t equate the two, that makes rape “A-OK”. And of course that opinion needs to be enforced by admins, not with words.
The community was locked indefinitely 8 months ago by its moderator, and their rationale is stated in the corresponding post.
So basically this instance wasn’t tankie enough for him. Doesn’t sound like much of a loss.
I’ve missed this!
We’re back!