What I find interesting about all this is that this guy’s limbs can be pulled off just as easily as the next person. Like, if someone were to draw and quarter him, his arms and legs would pop right off just like anyone else!
That is truly an interesting fact!
What a piece of shit
The judges that let it happen are pieces of shit too.
Novel idea, nobody did this before!
I’m just waiting for this piece of shit to go after the United Negro College Fund.
If one thing is true in this country, it’s that Black women have had it far too easy. About time someone did something about it!
Backpfeifengesicht (a face in need of a fist) is not strong enough. Does German have a compound word for “a face in need of a sledgehammer”?
Compounding is by definition modular. Vorschlaghammergesicht.
Also ich find den Vorschlag Hammer!