cross-posted from:
- OS: Void Linux x86_64 musl
- Icons: Nordzy
- GTK Theme: Nordic
- Qt Theme: Custom (Nord)
- Cursors: Nordzy-Cursors
- Layout: Supremo
- Wallpaper: Galaxy (Nord)
- Main Font: Cantarell
- Monospace Font: Hack
- Shell: Zsh
- OMZ Theme: Gallifrey
- Filesystem: Btrfs for
; Ext4 for~
; Ext4 for~/Music
- Browser: Mullvad
- File Manager: Nemo
- Terminal: foot
- Music Player: qmmp
- Editor: Micro
I’ve not really had many issues with it, I have a minimal amount of software to install and use though which I think Void is a great fit for.