Just your average translater living in her goth slut era
Wouldn’t be shocked if it cane out he had a burner/secondary on one of ViolentAcrez subreddits
The sad thing is yeah, he did, and Alex Ohanian played Switzerland
Saving this post for all the awesome music recommendations
You sure she wasn’t just playing nice in order to turn them into a coat?
Was Texas always this bad?
Guys this, guys that. That’s why I’m a lesbian
I remember having an embarrassing moment in high school, talking with close friends, talking about would we ever want to be a girl, and I said pregnancy seems cool. They did not feel the same… at all 😅
Let’s be honest, there is no such thing as an old, fat femboy. There’s a specific unfortunate ED component to femboys.
At least once as in having them on one’s self?
While dealing with the same fucks that were behind Reagan
You’re right. Forgot about that. Shoot.
That was fascinating. Thank you for sharing 💖
Just an aside, Massachusetts voted ‘no’ for RCV a few years ago. I was surprised.
Wasn’t his idea just a closed source version of InfaMiner?
Not sure where I read, but don’t less Democrats vote during midterms?
Didn’t show up to vote or disenfranchised to vote?
They’re deliberately being contrarian. They showed their hand earlier.