Dude fucked a baby ostrich? Gross!
Dude fucked a baby ostrich? Gross!
The hills are alive with the sound of music
Agreed. Seems like an effective filter
This is the way
It’s has the intended teeth; health care for women denied yet again.
It would be cool if she won, but I don’t think she will. Super easy to argue that her circumstances had not yet reached the level of “medical emergency”.
So fucked are we
It could be very easily argued that “could deteriorate rapidly” is not a medical emergency, and therefore does not meet the requirements of the MO or federal laws to allow for inducing labor or abortion.
Given the overzealous rhetoric from state officials, I understand the hospital and doctor’s reluctance to provide care. We are fucking ourselves.
Really really fucking dumb.
So dumb I can’t help but wonder where I’m that blind
I’m putting that first line in my pocket and gonna use it often. Thanks
That’s the point, he don’t have a cow
With such slim margins on the house and Senate, why do you think Republicans would be able to?
That’s what I’m talking about!
Thanks, you rock
Try to goonover the world
Thanks. I realized after the comment that the term has gone out of fashion
Jumping Jesus on a pogo stick!
Oops. Thanks
It’s kind of an obsolete vernacular
Sitting in the window seat on a flight to work in Florida. The sun was setting and the sky was gorgeous. Full flight.
The lady next to me was somewhat disheveled and sad. Noticed the ankle bracelet and that she didn’t speak English with the flight attendant when trying to ask for help.
She noticed me marveling at the display outside and said “beauty”. A ‘no engles’ and a ‘no Espanol’ later, we fumble through enjoying a sunset together. Just two humans traveling together to very separate destinations. She cried. I cried. Used Google translate to say “sorry we make this difficult for you. I hope for the best”
The flight home was another gorgeous and full sunset flight. Another lady sitting next to me, both soaking in the beauty. She was a little older with what seemed to be her husband, both dressed to a T.
A ‘no engles’ and a ‘no Espanol’ later, we fumble through enjoying a sunset together. Just two humans traveling together to somewhat similar destinations.
Such a beautifull tragic things humans can be.
Past two days? Past 5 decades