Nice exploit chain!
HW/FW security researcher & Demoscene elder.
I started having arguments online back on Fidonet and Usenet. I’m too tired to care now.
Nice exploit chain!
Why is your VPN jump box better than an SSH jump box?
There’s no difference to the work I need to do to secure an open SSHd vs an open WireGuard server. None.
Yes I harden, and penetrate, systems for a living. If your systems need remote access there is no standard (neither in fintech or military) that classifies SSHd as being “worse” than a VPN.
Nuclear is cheaper than your average electricity cost.
I know because I’m Swedish and you use us as your cheap electricity.
Yeah I don’t do security via obscurity :D I agree you need to keep your Internet facing services up to date.
(No need to educate me on Wireguard, I use it. My day job is slightly relevant to the discussion)
Why would a Swedish ISP care? I’ve run servers from home since I first connected up in … 1996. I’ve had a lot of different ISPs during that time, although nowadays I always choose Bahnhof because of them fighting the good fights.
That attack vector is exactly the same towards a VPN.
It’s perfectly safe to run SSH on port 22 towards the open Internet with public key authentication only.
Which distro allows root to login via SSH?
Lots of western companies have divested from working with/in Russia even though it has cost them lots of money. Some because that’s a legal requirement (sanctions), some because it’s the right thing to do.
Not doing so is supporting Russia.
Vlad wrote it to me in their chat. Screenshot here: https://ioc.exchange/@troed/113311981054448887
Ask your wife whether she thinks people should send money to Russia. Now, Yandex is politically twisting the truth in their search results, but I care less about that than the fact that I’ll happily send money to Ukraine but there’s no way in hell I’m sending money to Russia.
Being a Kagi subscriber means you are. Morally - I’m not ok with it. In some nations it might even be against the law. Sanctions, you know. I’m not even sure Kagi is legally in the clear here.
They specifically avoid sanctions by routing payments through Kazakhstan, and tried to claim Yandex wasn’t even a russian company when called out.
And no, the US is not the same. You might not have hosted Ukrainian refugees or be in full understanding of what’s happening there but any money going into Russia is right now used for torture, rape and killing of Ukrainians.
I had a Kagi family subscription and immediately cancelled when I learnt about Vlad’s “it’s just some geopolitical opinions” stance. I also know others have done the same.
FWIW - most mobile data plans roll over if you don’t use them fully during the month.
(at least where I live)
This must’ve been a lot more complicated to implement than to allow us to NOT SEND OUR SUBSCRIPTION MONEY TO RUSSIA.
Swedes do the same - and then brag about how they in their retirement home in Spain can speak Swedish all the time with other Swedes and Swede-run stores
Swedes being, on the international stage, arrogant, self-righteous, know-it-all swots.
We’re damn proud of it, too! It’s just a fact. Swedes are the best, and Sweden is the best country on Earth.
That contradicts this experience:
Just start up your own instance at a suitable domain name. “computerexcellencetrainingcourses.com” or something.