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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 2nd, 2023


  • Not gonna happen in the next 15 years, at best. Obama’s apparatus has to be out of the picture for that to have a chance at happening.

    Meanwhile, we also have to eliminate vultures like Gottheimer, Coons, and Warner who would stand in the way of anything approaching medicare for all, because it would not be helpful to their shareholders.

    It’s all academic, though. Dems have only the tiniest hope of regaining the house, probably with a majority as slim as what the GOP currently enjoys. 2024 Senate is nearly a lost cause, with Joe Manchin dropping out of WV, and it being a shitty electoral calendar for Senate Democrats to begin with.

    In re the Presidential race: coin flip at best between Biden and Trump, and neither of them are fans of giving people healthcare without corporations making obscene profits.

  • The Democrats need to do a better job at giving people the money they need to get what they need, and controlling the out-of-control plutocrats wringing every last bit of spare change from the rest of us.

    “Ok GOP, we’ll cut our yearly deficit by 60% just by only giving the welfare queen confederate states $1 back for every dollar they contribute in taxes, instead of the $6 that South Carolina gets. Pull yourselves up by your bootstraps and start turning a profit.”

    “Hey, Joe Manchin: if you don’t offer your full-throated support to Build Back Better, we’re cutting off all Federal aid and investment in West Virginia, and we’re going to run nonstop ads telling your constituents why. Also, we’re going to break up your daughter’s pharma company.”

    Time for some LBJ shit. But they’ll never do it, because they’re actually conservatives too.

  • I’m voting D too for the time being, but the Dems are never going to give us those things either.

    The best Dems will offer is BS like means-tested limited family leave if you work for 3 years in an underprivileged school district first and then apply for a special program that will offset 25.7% of your lost wages via tax credits that can only be applied to the first $34,000 of income including HSA contributions but crediting back via deduction the first $500 spent on diapers as long as the diapers were 70% manufactured in the US blah blah blah

    This Democratic party does not want universal healthcare. At best, they will grudgingly support universal “access” to healthcare. They do not want universal free college, nor free PTO, because that runs counter to the interests of their largest donors.

    The best we can say about the current Democratic party is that they will, at times, pause the active arson that the GOP is inflicting on this country… maybe, sort of. They could have added DC and PR as states in the 2021-2022 session and given themselves a fighting chance in the Senate, but I guess they just kinda forgot to get around to it.

    They exist to be a placeholder for whenever the GOP loses power, and a continuous fundraising lifestyle brand the rest of the time.

  • Mutual funds generally underperform the SP500 as a whole, as well as most broad-spectrum ETFs, and carry an expense ratio 5x higher than VG/Schwab ETFs just for fun. And that’s not even accounting for the class-A shares that a lot of financial advisors steer their retail clients into.

    No, the “average” person should be putting whatever retirement money they can scrape together into index funds via Roth and/or traditional IRA, then regular retirement investments. But most “average” people can’t afford to even sock away 6 months’ worth of expenses in an emergency fund because healthcare costs and anything associated with raising kids has gone up a gazillion percent in the last 40 years while real wages have stayed stagnant.

    Oh, also try buying a house while facing all of that AND student loans that Republicans are too pig-headed to let the government forgive even a fraction of.

    “Financial illiteracy” isn’t the problem here, reality is.