• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2023

  • Are we really still talking about how Clinton being one of the least popular politicians to run for president took it upon herself to tank a must win election? Really? I need this talking point to find its place in a grave. This is stupid.

    Everyone knew Trump was a trainwreck. Clinton was so unpopular that people stayed home. She snubbed key states against campaign advice. She sucks. And she lost democracy for the US. We didn’t owe Clinton a vote. Clinton needed people to vote for her. She didn’t do enough to earn the votes. I voted for her begrudgingly. But Democrats turned their knives on Bernie harder than they did against Trump. And it turned a lot of people off from voting. At least Biden did some semblance of appeasement for the left populist wing of the Democrats in the first election.

  • You know Joe has a point when the only thing he and his administration is able to come up with in response to the allegations is “it’s not genocide”.

    According to the United Nations, genocide is an internationally recognized crime that involves an act with the intent to destroy a national, racial, ethnic, or religious group, in whole or in part. These acts include:

    • Killing members of the group
    • Causing serious mental or physical harm to members of the group
    • Deliberately inflicting conditions of life on the group that would cause physical destruction
    • Imposing measures to prevent births within the group
    • Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group

    This doesn’t even include the genocidal rhetoric coming from Knesset members.

    It’s pretty clear the administration is on its back foot because no one believes Israel or the U.S. Hell, the majority of his base doesn’t agree with him.

    This is pretty telling:

    Polling on Israel Gaza