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Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • They must care about it. The initiative states that it must be implemented no later than January 1, 2026.

    We have a similar trend as in the US with retired being poorer each year. Also, the general population is poorer. Ad to that the Confederation gave billions to falling banks and to the economy during COVID without giving a f to the population. People now want they share.

  • The title is misleading. Switzerland pension system is complex and divided by redistribution and capitalization.

    The vote of today concerns the pension by redistribution – the first pillar. Employers and employees are contributing for this part of the system as a percentage of the salary. The maximal pension is 2500 Swiss francs (2’829 USD). People will receive a rise equivalent to 1/12 of the yearly pension.

    The pension by capitalization – second pillar – follow the same system, with employers and employees contributing for it. But, it is not concern by the vote.

    First and second pillar are mandatory by law. In Switzerland, you have a third pillar, which isn’t mandatory. It’s mostly investment, like life insurance.

  • Actually, the pension by redistribution – which is concern by the vote – has $56.57 billions in reserve. This money doesn’t sleep. Switzerland is using it has an investment found.

    But, the Confederation has already thought about how to finance. There are two main propositions. The first is employers will have to contribute more. The second is that employers and employees will contribute as well as a higher VAT.

  • This will be an unpopular opinion here.

    I’m not against AI but the rules have to be in laws and regulations. First, AI can’t use copyrighted material without paying for it. It can’t either use material without asking individually.

    The second point is that AI can’t created copyrighted material. Whatever an AI created, it’s free of copyright and everyone can use it.

    Third, an AI can’t be a blackbox. It has to be comprehensive how it works and what the AI is doing. A solution would be to have source available code.

    Fourth, AI can’t violate laws, create and push misinformation, and material used for misinforming.

    And, of course, anything created using AI has to be indentified as such.

    The money is in what the AI can do, the quality of the result, and the quality of the code. All the other things isn’t valuable.

  • The lack of investment in strategic infrastructure, the lack of public expenses, and the mostly monolithic neoliberal economic politics bring them to this situation.

    At one point, you need to invest public money in the infrastructure that work for the day-to-day life of everyone. In this case, we speak about the railway network. Europe can’t be car centric like the US. The geography and the urbanism of European towns and cities don’t allow this perspective.

    This has implication on the job market as poorer can’t afford a job. The neoliberal politics targeting the social welfare make people poorer and this had influences on the consumption and the economy. It’s of course more complicated than this. But, it gives an idea of the situation.

  • I’m not pretending AI isn’t useful. There is plenty of field where AI helps. But, AI has been the next scam after blockchain, crypto, NFT…

    It’s the end of our civilization with falling capitalism. But, capitalism will try to find new ways to make short term profits. We moved from fordism to post-fordism with the enslavement of the cognitive abilities. We entered the next era with all these scams. And entshitification is a symptom of this.