loathesome dongeater


a cool (brr) dude

  • 1 Post
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: May 14th, 2020


  • I wonder what are the chances of some other European companies especially the industrial ones like automotive and chemical to straight up just move to the US at some point. EU is slowly becoming USA’s global south but there is this still this contradiction in the relationship where they want to bleed EU dry while still having them as a battering ram against Russia. Racism has served them well so far but if things get worse for Europeans I don’t know what will happen next.

  • They should probably subsidize their own EV sector properly but I guess when you are run by a shadow government comprised primarily of fossil fuel corporations it gets in the way.

    From another SCMP article:

    It will not only look for support given to Chinese brands, but also European and other international brands with a presence in China.

    This means Tesla, Volkswagen and BMW models made in China could all be subject to import duties – indeed, discriminating on the basis of brand nationality would go against World Trade Organization rules. It also leaves Germany, whose automotive industry is highly exposed to China, vulnerable to retaliation.

    I am pretty sure they will only doscriminate against Chinese brands. WTO “rules” mean jack.