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“The head of Mozilla earned roughly $5.6 Million during 2021.”
It’s Walmart’s generic brand for electronics.
Go outside and listen when the snow is falling. It makes everything quieter and it’s really ice to hear.
Somehow that typo works in this context. Ice.
Snow that’s warmed slightly then frozen again is crunchy and fun to walk on.
It’s “ice” to walk on.
Jokes aside, thank you so much for the information. I don’t live where it snows but I learned a lit about how to survive if I ever need to. Thanks again.
In their defense, it really doesn’t take that much brainpower to throw black people in jail.
Obviously not if you’re the sheriff.
Imagine all the data they’re able to harvest through GV. I doubt they’ll ever kill it.
I doubt they record and retain all phone calls, but I wouldn’t be surprised either.
Google Voice is much easier. Just enable the settings for voicemail transcription and an email sent with the transcription.
But then you have Google listening to all your calls. It’s a tradeoff
To be fair the ‘dystopian’ quote is from the guy that got broken up with, not ARS’ article writer.
I don’t think that’s the part they took issue with.
It becomes more and more true every day.
And if they’re going to use a younger picture of him at least use the one from before he got the hair transplant:
They literally just consider fines as a cost of doing business.
Exactly. I hate being punished for using what was advertised to me.
“Stupidly simple” might be overselling it when it comes to the masses adopting it. Not everyone is adept at “throwing together a script.”
That being said, I’m all for helping the masses adapt.
And there it is. Blame the Democrats for not stopping the Republicans from doing their misdeeds.