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When googling something, append -site:reddit.com
Some days I think the news organizations seek out the shittiest opinions and air them in hopes of getting clicks.
I’d also point out this is a problem of their own making; we’re burnt out with the perpetual election cycle and incessant lack of adult behavior from Congress. I’m extremely dedicated to voting but I’m also fucking tired of it.
Too much naivete to address in this post but I’d certainly omit the word “wise”. Not liking the options is one thing, refusing to vote for the better one when the other is credibly accused of espionage is fucking dumb. Young people can vote or not vote but if someone lectures me about not taking part in a broken system they’re going to get an earful about how they let assholes ruin their lives through inaction. No one’s going to get what they want by doing nothing and you will never get a candidate that fits you 100% (and if you do, you’re in a cult).
Their own words should be up on billboards paid for by the opposition.
Fair, but the choice isn’t hers. If it’s brought up, she has to respond. I kinda want her doctor to be out of state already, because then the GOP would also interfering with interstate commerce.
…and any attempt to bring charges or even discuss charges against a candidate is election interference, according to AR’s lord and master, Trump. She should sue if it happens.
Glad it was her. The Democratic party should repeat this like Giuliani’s “Noun, Verb, 9/11”. Every chance they get into any microphone they see. Donald Trump did this and every republican was his willing ally.
This is an easy test. If Reuters is lying, that means the Model 2 is still in development. Prove that Reuters is lying, Elon. you are uniquely positioned to be able to do that.
wow, the hits just keep on coming. Has anyone heard from the Shamwow guy or maybe Rob Schneider? Their opinions are crucial.
It’s like a kid who keeps finding excuses not to go to bed. It’s endless and annoying and usually works for far longer than it should.
I have to admit that the court allowed it to stay on the ballot but I assume their intention is to get the GOP fanboys to the polls to vote it down. The shitbags up in Tallahassee have no problem denying the will of the people when it doesn’t coincide with their own.
Trump is a meta-generator; there are articles critical of the articles critical of his coverage. Anyone could sell ads under a Trump tweet. How many real people joined Truth Social just to follow Trump, and more just to be able to see what the orange bastard spewed? There’s a reason pre-Musk Twitter bent over backwards to keep the shit-flinging orangutan on their platform.
If Musk does nothing, Twitter dies in a slow spiral. He has to do something. What better way than to get a guy who people can’t stop paying attention to, a frontrunner in an election season? The man gets clicks. If he’s already dropped $44B on Twitter, what’s another billion or two to save its life while simultaneously propping up his political choice, triggering the libs, and writing the loss off of his taxes?
I need someone to tell me why Musk won’t be a huge buyer of DWAC when it opens. How much of Truth Social would he need to get it merged with Twitter, which would get Trump back on the platform. Musk gets to help out the psycho conservative right and he gets to help himself.
Not sharing the driving behavior… for now. Any faucet that can be turned off can be turned on again.
In related news, The boogeyman, Sasquach, and Godzilla are also forbidden to enter Tennessee. The rainbow has been officially reclaimed from the homosexuals that stole it from God, but the bill to build a wall to keep out the gay frogs died in committee over funding issues (Mexico refused to pay for it).
It needs to be spelled out to you, so here you go: It’s unacceptable in American politics to run against a federal incumbent without a) significant reason (age is not a reason) and b) significant backing (because the national party won’t support you).
But thanks for parroting the right-wing bullshit about decline, which I suppose was your real reason for posting. PS I’ll bitch about third party voters all I fucking want - a centrist or left-leaning voter casting a ballot for a third party is really casting half a vote for Trump and they should be fucking shunned. Vote your heart in the primary but vote for the team in the general.
Native Floridian here. I see no downsides to this requirement. Can both go?
I hope the GOP decides to fund Donny’s legal bills. More money for the lawyers means less money buying advertisements.
I need a firefox plugin that blocks Twitter. Not tweets from blue checkmarks, the whole damn site.
If you want to punish Musk in a meaningful way, then once the fine has been paid in full, the countdown can start. Once the same amount of time that elapsed between Twitter’s first noncompliance and the fine’s check cleared, then Twitter should be allowed back online. There will always be money to pay fines but they’ll never get the time back. Other companies will take note.