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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • I think the deal is more “My family is safe and healthy and that is important to me” over “wow I don’t care at all about dead foreign kids.”

    In a 2-party system, sometimes that’s the best you can get… and frankly, I give more of a shit about myself and my friends/family who would be much worse off under Republicans than Democrats, enough that if I have to id vote Democrat every time until the immediate threat of Republicans is dealt with.

    And again, because you just don’t seem to get it, Republicans have an even worse track record on the middle east lol. (Not intended as a whataboutism - more as an explanation that the two-party system sucks, and how not voting for one effectively means the other wins)

  • Moderate democrats are the majority in power, so it makes sense they are the most powerful and get what they want the most. In cases like Manchin, they get outsized power due to how tight margins are in the senate. That’s how it works in a “coalition” of sorts. If Dems had a comfortable majority, they could force through more things. It’s basic logic that a party with multiple different wings has to cater to the ones that are more likely to flip on them. In most cases, the left wing of the Dems will never vote for the Right, so it’s a safer bet to de-prioritize them when compared to the right, who may vote right.

    If the left wing of the dems had more voters (which is slowly happening by the look of things), they could exercise more power, and if they had a comfortable majority (and more balls), they could ignore people like Manchin.

    As per your question, I have no idea, I dont keep tabs on every vote, but I am very confident my assessment of the situation is correct.

  • Right. Tell them to be grateful for genocide and scream that they want trump

    No, by reminding them that “hey we are the party that stops you from actively being deported and barred from entering the country.”

    That’s a damn convincing argument if there ever was one, and honestly if they aren’t convinced it won’t be a problem anymore since they won’t be around next election cycle anyway after another round of republican rule…

  • I like how they don’t like genocide so in protest, they vote for the other party that “likes genocide” (and is actively hostile to minorities, but whatever).

    In this case the tradeoff they have to accept is…voting for a party that does the same thing but even more overt.

    I’m not belittling anyone, I’m simply stating that facts of the situation - regardless of which party they vote for - they will be effectively choosing to accept genocide, whether their vote is a protest vote or not, because that’s how the 2-party system works.

  • We get them back by reminding them of exactly what has been done for them and the realities of the alternative, as well as opening a dialog on what reasonable concessions can be made (if any). If that doesn’t work, then clearly, there was no way of turning them, and they should be cut loose.

    As for optimism, it’s really more of simply extrapolating trends in the culture of younger generations and the realities of more workers than at least the last 40 years realizing they are being screwed and striking. Clearly, something is changing as people realize the system is a scam

  • I can agree that it is bullshit they get to continue with what they are doing, but in practical terms they too are needed. The seat Manchin controls is solidly Republican, and as we’ve seen the caliber of person the Republicans are putting forward are completely opposed to even the remotest concession. It sucks, but having someone with a (D) next to their name who has to worry about biting the hand that feeds them is marginally better than someone with an ®. However, given as he is about to be gone, catering to him isn’t gonna be a thing much longer, hopefully.