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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • I mean, you’re not wrong but I’m not sure what you’re trying to get at. Yeah front end and backend development are very different skillets, but my point is the people working and coding and making the game generally do actually know what they’re doing, but its middle managers are given orders from on high by execs, most of whom probably haven’t touched a video game ever in their lives, keeping the board of directors happy with quarterly profit increases.

    I wasn’t talking about the horizontal divide between front end and back end devs, but the vertical divide between management/executives and the devs and techs.

  • We’ve had this sort of situation before, FDR was radically progressive on a lot of policy decisions, he made great strides ad pulling us out of the Great Depression, leading us through world war 2, dramatically reduced the wealth disparity and was so popular with the voting public he was elected 4 times. Then the politically connected wanted to make sure that kind of presidency never happened again, so they paid to get the political machinery altered to suit their needs, term limits were introduced, influential think tanks were created to push favorable public policy and install favorable political assets, launched propaganda campaigns to sway public perception and consolidated economic power.

    I agree that a single properly progressive president can do a lot to make things better, and a president who actually wields power can make some very important structural changes within the political party but it doesn’t disassemble the political machinery that led us to our current situation in the first place. It doesn’t disassemble the vast propaganda networks and think tanks, it doesn’t stop the flow of dark money into politician pockets. All these positive changes can be undone if the next guy that comes in is a shitbag.

  • I dont particularly care about your personal politics, it’s still disingenuous to compare a relative nobody going to RT to the biggest right wing pundit going to RT and insinuating them as the same. There wasn’t a need to bring up a random left leaning nobody with orders of magnitude less political sway and smaller following to a conversation about Carlson’s viewers figuring out he’s an asset to the Russian government.

  • I understand who you were replying to but you gave an example of some random vaguely left leaning conspiracy theorist with very little following in general and compared her basically unknown presence to the absolute massive media presence that is Tucker Carlson, where nearly every person in this country has probably heard about him. He’s not on the fringe, he is the mainstream.

    Pointing out she’s a leftist example of what Carlson is currently doing is just a straight up false equivalence. She doesn’t have the media following Carlson does, she doesn’t have the political sway Carlson does, she didn’t have literally millions of people watch her show every day.

    Dont bury the lede, say exactly what you mean. What was the point you’re trying to make? Some leftist nobody joining RT is the same thing as the biggest media face of right wing propaganda? There’s only 2 reads for that line of logic, either left-wing conspiracy theoriests have just as much political sway as the oil baron funded propaganda machine? Or Tucky McNear Swanson-heiress Carlson, face of conservative media, joining Russian state media just isn’t that big of a deal?