blocked part of url because I have Kagi rewrite url to redirect to my private Redlib instance
I had no idea this was a thing. Thats going straight on my self-host todo list.
blocked part of url because I have Kagi rewrite url to redirect to my private Redlib instance
I had no idea this was a thing. Thats going straight on my self-host todo list.
allows it to make its tokamaks at only two percent of the volume of conventional tokamaks
Strap that into a tank, with - hear me out - legs, and we’re golden.
Yes. On older generation/cheaper ANC this is perceived as increased “pressure”. It doesn’t seem louder but the physical sensation of loudness is there.
The sound produced by ANC is the exact 180 degree inverse (or as near as possible) of the incoming bad noise.
It’s produced in realtime by dedicated signal processors and requires mic arrays feeding in the sound. The quicker your processing pipeline the better the match is and the more powerful the effect is.
There’s no prerecorded sound that would work.
Let’s be honest, this is only their outlook until the courts make their decision. They’ll sell if that doesn’t go in their favour.
The fact you got downvoted for someone else’s assumption (that was upvoted) makes me chuckle. There’s some serious Apple hating going on here*.
*sometimes deserved. Not really in this case.
Written by someone who apparently has no understanding of virtual memory. Chrome may claim 500MB per tab but I’ll eat my hat if the majority of that isn’t shared between tabs and paged out.
If I’m misunderstanding then how the fuck is chrome with it’s 35+ open tabs functioning on my 16GB M1 machine (with a full other application load including IDE’s and docker (with 8GB allocated)
Apple has pretty robust parental controls on their devices.
Source: am technical enough to have set them up.
Gonna go with… whoosh
I mean, the linked article does a pretty good explanation?
He was selling the vaccine passports that he was issued to anti-vaxxers.
Someone is having a very bad day
He only wins internet clout if you know who he is. I didn’t. He was just that guy in the meme.
Now he’s been named at least two people, who didn’t know of his existence, now know.
You’ve just Barbara Streisand’ this guy.
Some moron has changed the demo users password. Good job.
From the screenshots it looks pretty nice!
It literally prompts you to install to your desktop, meaning it’s had at least the minimum amount of effort spent to make a decent mobile experience. Did you try it?
Universal Music Group has put their own greed above the interests of their artists and songwriters.
They want to be paid?! What is this.
… that serves as a free promotional and discovery vehicle for their talent.
Yeah, cause artists (well, people in general) love getting paid in exposure.
There’s always a relevant XKCD.
For all the same reasons it’s dominant in the US?
Sorry, I’ll revise to what I intended (since I also use it). “Does anyone pay attention to it? Do they fuck.”
I work for the UK government. Everything my organisation does is licensed in either MIT or OGL (https://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/doc/open-government-licence/version/3/)
Developing code in the open really helps ensure you nail down your secure coding practices.